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                Can anybody help me on this one...I have a button which when is hovered, triggers an action. But I'd like it to repeat it for as long as the button is hovered.

                我很感激任何解决方案,无论是在 jquery 还是纯 javascript 中 - 这是我的代码此时的样子(在 jquery 中):

                I'd appreciate any solution, be it in jquery or pure javascript - here is how my code looks at this moment (in jquery):

                var scrollingposition = 0;
                    $('#object').css("right", scrollingposition);


                Now how can i put this into some kind of while loop, so that #object is moving px by px for as #button is hovered, not just when the mouse enters it?



                OK... another stab at the answer:

                $('myselector').each(function () {
                  var hovered = false;
                  var loop = window.setInterval(function () {
                    if (hovered) {
                      // ...
                  }, 250);
                    function () {
                      hovered = true;
                    function () {
                      hovered = false;

                250 表示任务每四分之一秒重复一次.您可以减少此数字以使其更快,或增加它以使其更慢.

                The 250 means the task repeats every quarter of a second. You can decrease this number to make it faster or increase it to make it slower.


                上一篇:CSS 变换 - 保持悬停状态的价值 下一篇:JQuery .slideDown() 向上滑动


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