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        JavaScript - Chart.js 工具提示显示错误的 x 轴值

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                • 本文介绍了JavaScript - Chart.js 工具提示显示错误的 x 轴值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个包含两个不同数据集的图表,但有时它们具有相同的 x、y 坐标.但是,当我将鼠标悬停在共享点上时,它有时会显示错误的日期.y 值正确,但 x 值显示不正确.

                  尝试将鼠标悬停在 共享点



                  我更新了日期相同的笔和定点.感谢 @Oluwafemi Sule,我还添加了 type: 'time'.


                  但是现在,x 轴上的日期很奇怪.他们不再说 March 06, 2011,而是说 Q1 2011.而且工具提示仍然存在错误.


                  您在图表配置中为类别笛卡尔轴定义了自定义比例.将 xAxes 的类型设置为类别".这可能不是必需的,因为 ChartJS 默认会选择它.


                  另外,第二个数据集的格式不正确.您应该以 {x: xval, y: yval} 格式提供数据点.



                  I have a chart with two different datasets, but sometimes they have the same x, y coordinates. But when I hover a shared point, it sometimes shows the wrong date. The y value is correct, but it's the x value that is not showing correctly.

                  Try hovering a shared point here on codepen.

                  In the image below you can see I'm hovering { y: 56.04, x: April 05, 2014 }, but is shows the xLabel value of 58.28, which is April 15, 2012. Also, you can see in the chart that both 57.05 and 58.28 have April 15, 2012 as x-value, but they are not on the same y position!

                  The code is too long to share on stackoverflow, but I made this codepen so you can view, fork and edit it there.


                  I updated the pen and fixed points that have the same date. I also added type: 'time' thanks to @Oluwafemi Sule.

                  Here my edited pen.

                  But now, the dates on the x-axis are weird. They don't say March 06, 2011 anymore, but they say Q1 2011. And the tooltips still bug.


                  You defined a custom scale for a category cartesian axis in your chart configuration. Set the type for your xAxes to 'category'. This may not be neccessary as ChartJS picks this up by default.

                  options: {
                      scales: {
                          xAxes: [{
                              type: 'category',

                  Also, the second data set isn't formatted properly. You should supply the data points in {x: xval, y: yval} format.



                  这篇关于JavaScript - Chart.js 工具提示显示错误的 x 轴值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

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