• <bdo id='HtkOu'></bdo><ul id='HtkOu'></ul>
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                • 本文介绍了AngularJS中具有嵌套状态的嵌套视图的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I'm trying to make nested states, but something is wrong and I can't figure out why.

                  我的 Angular 应用中有这些状态:

                  I have these states in my angular app:

                  /client (list clients)
                  /client/:id (show client)
                  /client/new (new client)


                  /client/:id/task (list clients tasks)
                  /client/:id/task/new (create new task for this client)
                  /client/:id/task/:idTask (show the client task)

                  所有状态都在工作,但 task 状态并没有改变内容.

                  All the states are working, but the task states is not changing the content.

                  我的 index.htmlui-view "main":

                  <section id="container">
                      <section class="main-content-wrapper" ng-class="{'main':collapse}">
                          <section id="main-content">
                              <div ui-view="main"></div>

                  我的 client.tpl.html 带有 ui-view 内容":

                  My client.tpl.html with the ui-view "content":

                  <div class="row">
                      <div class="col-md-12">
                          <ul class="breadcrumb">
                              <li><a href ui-sref="home">Home</a></li>
                              <li class="active">Clients</li>
                  <div ui-view="content"></div>


                      .state('/', {
                          url: '/',
                          templateUrl: '/app/application/application.tpl.html',
                          abstract: true
                      // CLIENT
                      .state('client', {
                          url: '/client',
                          abstract: true,
                          views: {
                              'main': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/client/client.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'ClientController'
                      .state('client.list', {
                          url: '/list',
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/client/client.list.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'ClientListController'
                      .state('client.new', {
                          url: '/new',
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/client/client.new.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'ClientNewController'
                      .state('client.show', {
                          url: '/:id',
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/client/client.show.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'ClientShowController',


                      // TASKS
                      .state('client.details', {
                          url: '/:idClient',
                          abstract: true,
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/task/task.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'TaskController'
                      .state('client.details.task', {
                          url: '/task',
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/task/task.list.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'TaskListController'
                      .state('client.details.task.new', {
                          url: '/new',
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/task/task.new.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'TaskNewController'
                      .state('client.details.task.show', {
                          url: '/:idTask',
                          views: {
                              'content': {
                                  templateUrl: '/app/task/task.show.tpl.html',
                                  controller: 'TaskShowController'




                  Everything works fine, the content change, but, when I click to go to:



                  The content don't change, actually, the content gets empty.

                  更新 1


                  The link to the task list is in my sidebar, sidebar is a directive:


                  .directive('sidebar', [function () {
                      return {
                          restrict: 'E',
                          replace: true,
                          templateUrl: '/common/partials/sidebar.html'


                  <aside class="sidebar" ng-class="{'sidebar-toggle':collapse}" ng-controller="SidebarController as sidebar">
                      <div id="leftside-navigation" class="nano">
                          <ul class="nano-content">
                              <li class="active">
                                  <a href ui-sref="home"><i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i><span>Home</span></a>
                              <li class="sub-menu">
                                  <a href ng-click="toggle()">
                                      <i class="fa fa-users"></i>
                                      <i class="arrow fa fa-angle-right pull-right"></i>
                                  <ul style="height: {{height}}px; overflow: hidden;">
                                      <li ng-repeat="client in session.clients">
                                          <a href ui-sref="client.details.task({id:client.id})">{{client.name}}</a>




                  Solution there is surprisingly simple, but the concept behind could be a bit challenging.


                  So the state definition should be like this

                  客户端根状态没有任何变化.它确实将其视图注入到根状态的 ui-view=main" (index.html)

                  Client root state is without any change. It does inject its view into ui-view="main" of the root state (index.html)

                  // CLIENT
                  .state('client', {
                      views: {
                          'main': {
                              templateUrl: '/app/client/client.tpl.html',

                  现在,我们有了第一级的孩子.他们将针对其父 ui-view=content"(客户端及其模板注入 ui-view=main")

                  Now, we have first level children. They will target ui-view="content" of their parent (client and its template injected into ui-view="main")

                  .state('client.list', {
                      views: {
                          'content': {
                  .state('client.new', {
                      url: '/new',
                      views: {
                          'content': {

                  所以到目前为止,一切正常.下面是一个变化.我们再次尝试将我们的模板注入 ui-view=content" - 很好.但它没有在我们的父级中定义.它处于我们的 grand-parent - Client 状态.所以我们跳过了一个级别.我们必须使用绝对命名来定位视图名称

                  So until now, everything is working. Below is a change. We try again inject our templates into ui-view="content" - good. But it is not defined in our parent. It is in our grand-parent - a Client state. So we are skipping one level. We have to use absolute naming for view name targeting

                  // TASKS
                  .state('client.details.task', {
                      views: {
                          // wrong
                          'content': {
                          // correct
                          'content@client': {         
                  .state('client.details.task.new', {
                      views: {
                          // wrong
                          'content': {
                          // correct
                          'content@client': {         


                  .state('client.list', {
                      views: {
                          // working
                          'content': {
                          // also working
                          'content@client': {



                  在幕后,每个视图都被分配了一个遵循 viewname@statename 方案的绝对名称,其中 viewname 是视图指令中使用的名称和状态名称是状态的绝对名称,例如联系方式.项目.您还可以选择以绝对语法编写视图名称.

                  Behind the scenes, every view gets assigned an absolute name that follows a scheme of viewname@statename, where viewname is the name used in the view directive and state name is the state's absolute name, e.g. contact.item. You can also choose to write your view names in the absolute syntax.


                  For example, the previous example could also be written as:

                      views: {
                        'filters@': { },
                        'tabledata@': { },
                        'graph@': { }


                  上一篇:Angular UI 路由器 - 使用 ui-sref 导航到动态状态时会出现双斜杠 下一篇:在ui-router中的当前状态下如何绑定相关值?


                    1. <tfoot id='ELHCI'></tfoot>

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