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      3. 如何使用 Flask 通过 HTML 表单携带带空格的字符串

          <i id='wfcJr'><tr id='wfcJr'><dt id='wfcJr'><q id='wfcJr'><span id='wfcJr'><b id='wfcJr'><form id='wfcJr'><ins id='wfcJr'></ins><ul id='wfcJr'></ul><sub id='wfcJr'></sub></form><legend id='wfcJr'></legend><bdo id='wfcJr'><pre id='wfcJr'><center id='wfcJr'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='wfcJr'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='wfcJr'><tfoot id='wfcJr'></tfoot><dl id='wfcJr'><fieldset id='wfcJr'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                  本文介绍了如何使用 Flask 通过 HTML 表单携带带空格的字符串的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 Flask 和 Python 3.6 构建一个简单的在线测验,使用带有单选按钮的 HTML 表单在 Flask 路由之间传递选定的答案.第一步是为测验选择一个类别,然后进入实际的测验页面,如下所示:

                  I'm trying to build a simple online quiz using Flask and Python 3.6, using HTML forms with radio buttons to carry the selected answers between Flask routes. The first step is to select a category for the quiz, before leading to the actual quiz page, as follows:

                  app = Flask(__name__)
                  categories = ['Europe', 'South America', 'North America']
                  def select():
                      return render_template('selecting.html', cats= categories)
                  @app.route('/quiz', methods = ['POST'])
                  def quizing():
                      selected_cat = request.form['categories']
                      return "<h1>You have selected category: " + selected_cat + "</h1>


                  Where 'selecting.html' is as follows:

                  <form action='/quiz' method='POST'>
                  {% for cat in cats%}
                      <li><input type = 'radio' name= 'categories' value ={{cat}}>{{cat}}</li>
                  {% endfor %}
                  <input type="submit" value="submit"/>


                  When I select 'Europe', the quiz page reads:

                  <h1>You have selected category: Europe</h1>


                  However, when I select 'North America' the quiz page reads:

                  <h1>You have selected category: North</h1>


                  Why is the second word of the selected category not carried between the Flask routes and what can I do to retain the full category name?


                  根据HTML5 文档,未加引号的属性不能有嵌入空格.

                  According to the HTML5 documentation, an unquoted attribute must not have an embedded space.

                  您的 input 元素扩展为以下文本:

                  Your input element expands to the following text:

                  <input type = 'radio' name= 'categories' value =North America>

                  即使你的意思是它有一个 value 属性,其值为 North America,它实际上有一个 value 属性,其值为North 的值和具有空值的 America 属性.

                  Even though you mean for it to have a value attribute with a value of North America, it actually has a value attribute with a value of North and a America attribute with an empty value.

                  尝试引用 value 属性值:

                  <li><input type = 'radio' name= 'categories' value ="{{cat}}">{{cat}}</li>

                  这篇关于如何使用 Flask 通过 HTML 表单携带带空格的字符串的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:使用 CSS 样式单选按钮并使用图像 下一篇:自动提交单选按钮,但保持选中状态


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