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      HTML + React:单选按钮卡在最初设置为“已选中"的按钮上.


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              • 本文介绍了HTML + React:单选按钮卡在最初设置为“已选中"的按钮上.的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我有一组两个单选按钮,其中一个在页面加载时被选中.看来我无法将其更改为第二个.如果重要的话,HTML 是由 reactjs 构建的.chrome 上的标记如下所示:

                I have a set of two radio buttons one of which is checked when the page is loaded. It appears that I can't change it to the second one. The HTML is build by reactjs if that matters. The markup on chrome looks like:

                <fieldset data-reactid=".">
                <label for="coop-radio-btn" data-reactid=".">
                    <span data-reactid=".">To a Cooperative</span>
                    <input type="radio" name="requestOnBehalfOf" value="coop" id="coop-radio-btn" data-reactid=".">
                <label for="union-radio-btn" data-reactid=".">
                    <span data-reactid=".">Additional Request</span>
                    <input type="radio" name="requestOnBehalfOf" value="union" checked="" id="union-radio-btn" data-reactid=".">


                这是因为 React 正在制作 input 的受控组件,因为每个输入的值都是从服务器端设置的.

                The reason for this was that React was making the inputs controlled components because the values for each input are set from the server side.

                引用 布兰登的回答:

                如果您将 value={whatever} 属性添加到输入,使其成为受控组件,那么如果您添加 onChange 处理程序,用于更新 whatever 的值.来自 React 文档:

                If you add a value={whatever} property to the input, which makes it a controlled component, then it is read-only uness you add an onChange handler that updates the value of whatever. From the React docs:


                在 React 中使用诸如 <input> 之类的表单组件带来了编写传统表单 HTML 时所没有的挑战.例如,在 HTML 中:

                Using form components such as <input> in React presents a challenge that is absent when writing traditional form HTML. For example, in HTML:

                <input type="text" name="title" value="Untitled" />

                这会渲染一个输入已初始化,其值为Untitled.当用户更新输入时,节点的值 property 会改变.但是,node.getAttribute('value') 仍然会返回初始化时使用的值,Untitled.

                This renders an input initialized with the value, Untitled. When the user updates the input, the node's value property will change. However, node.getAttribute('value') will still return the value used at initialization time, Untitled.

                与 HTML 不同,React 组件必须在任何时间点表示视图的状态,而不仅仅是在初始化时.例如,在 React 中:

                Unlike HTML, React components must represent the state of the view at any point in time and not only at initialization time. For example, in React:

                render: function() {
                  return <input type="text" name="title" value="Untitled" />;


                Since this method describes the view at any point in time, the value of the text input should always be Untitled.

                我找到的最简单的解决方案是将 onChange={function(){}} 添加到 inputs.

                The simplest solution I found is to add onChange={function(){}} to the inputs.

                这篇关于HTML + React:单选按钮卡在最初设置为“已选中"的按钮上.的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:如何将文本放在单选按钮内? 下一篇:IE HTML 单选更改事件


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