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                我在将名为短语的数组附加到名为 addPhraseToDisplay() 的方法时遇到问题.这是数组:

                I am having trouble appending an array called phrases to a method called addPhraseToDisplay(). Here is the array:

                class Game {
                constructor() {
                    this.missed = 0; // this property will be used as a counter for the total of 5 tries
                    this.phrases = ["life is strange","success does not come easy", "seven swans swimming", "guess the word", "wild goose chase"] 

                我想要做的是将数组作为列表项附加到其中,我试图定位像这样的短语 newListItem.textContent = (this.phrases);,但这不起作用

                what I want to do is append the array into as list items, I tried to target the phrases like this newListItem.textContent = (this.phrases);, but that didn't work

                addPhraseToDisplay() {
                   //Create a reference to ul element
                    const myList = document.getElementById('myList');
                    //Crete new list items
                    let newListItem = document.createElement('li');
                    newListItem.textContent = (this.phrases);

                这是 html 代码,我希望将数组作为列表项放入其中

                this is html code where I would like the array to be inside as list items

                <!--My phrases need to be appended down here, div is parent element -->
                        <div id="phrase" class="section">
                            <ul id="myList">


                if someone could help I would appreciated


                <ul id="myList">
                <p>Click the button to append the array to the end of the list.</p>
                <button onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
                var myPhrases = ["Phrase 1", "Phrase 2", "Phrase 3", "Phrase 4", "Phrase 5"]
                function myFunction() {
                    //Creating element with html tag .... and append it to another element
                    for (i = 0; i < myPhrases.length; i++)
                      var node = document.createElement("li");
                      var textnode = document.createTextNode(myPhrases[i]);

                前面的 for 循环示例.

                Previous example with for loop.


                上一篇:将我附加到另一个的 div 随机化 下一篇:Jquery - 追加与追加


                  <tfoot id='uNg5h'></tfoot>
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