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      1. jquery append() 不适用于动态添加的元素

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              • <bdo id='2XXEA'></bdo><ul id='2XXEA'></ul>
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                  本文介绍了jquery append() 不适用于动态添加的元素的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  考虑 HTML

                      <li>Default item</li>
                      <li>Default item</li>

                  和 jQuery 代码

                  and the jQuery code

                  $('button').live('click', function(){  //This action is done by an external script.
                      $('ul').append('<li>Added item</li>'); 
                  $('ul li').append('<b> x</b>'); // This action is done by me

                  问题是,我需要将x"标记附加到 dom 中所有新添加的元素.

                  The thing is, I need to append the "x" mark to all newly added elements to the dom.


                  In this case only default elements are appended with the "x" mark.


                  Newly added elements are not appended by "x".


                  I am sure the work will be simple, but cant get it right !!

                  现场示例 - http://jsfiddle.net/vaakash/LxJ6f/1/



                  Your code is running right away, and so of course it only has access to the elements that already exist. The code adding new list items is running later, when the user clicks something. You'll have to hook into that process as well.

                  一种方法是挂钩相同的事件,然后从事件处理程序运行您的代码.一定要在他们完成之后 钩住事件.

                  One way is to hook the same event they are, and run your code from the event handler. Be sure to hook the event after they do.


                  $('button').live('click', function(){
                      $('ul').append('<li>Added item</li>');


                  Your code (after theirs):

                  $('button').live('click', markButtons);
                  function markButtons() {
                      $('ul li:not(.marked)')
                          .append('<b> x</b>');


                  我说你的代码需要在他们的代码之后进行连接的原因是 jQuery 保证了对事件处理程序的调用顺序:当事件发生时,处理程序按顺序调用他们附上了.通过在他们附加他们的处理程序之后附加您的处理程序,您可以保证您的处理程序在他们完成它的事情之后被调用.

                  The reason I said your code needs to do its hookup after their code is that jQuery guarantees the order of the calls to event handlers: When the event occurs, the handlers are called in the order in which they were attached. By attaching your handler after they attach theirs, you guarantee that your handler is called after theirs has done its thing.


                  If you're worried about the order getting mixed up, you could always delay your code slightly:

                  $('button').live('click', function() {
                      setTimeout(markButtons, 0);

                  这样,您的代码可以保证在所有与 click 挂钩的事件处理程序都运行后运行.

                  That way, your code is guaranteed to run after all of the event handlers hooked to the click have been run.

                  这篇关于jquery append() 不适用于动态添加的元素的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:jQuery Masonry 和 Ajax-fetching 追加项目导致图像重叠 下一篇:如何将脚本标签插入头部标签的顶部/开头?


                  <i id='OQAot'><tr id='OQAot'><dt id='OQAot'><q id='OQAot'><span id='OQAot'><b id='OQAot'><form id='OQAot'><ins id='OQAot'></ins><ul id='OQAot'></ul><sub id='OQAot'></sub></form><legend id='OQAot'></legend><bdo id='OQAot'><pre id='OQAot'><center id='OQAot'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='OQAot'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='OQAot'><tfoot id='OQAot'></tfoot><dl id='OQAot'><fieldset id='OQAot'></fieldset></dl></div>
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