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                1. 本文介绍了如何防止谷歌浏览器阻止我的弹出窗口?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在我的网站上,有一个按钮仅用于调用调用 window.open 的函数,但是,最近需要进行调整以在打开弹出窗口之前进行服务器端检查.

                  On my website there is a button that just used to call a function that calls window.open, however, recently an adjustment was needed to do a server-side check before the popup was opened.

                  自从添加了执行 AJAX 调用的代码后,浏览器就会阻止在 AJAX 调用的 success 回调中打开的弹出窗口.我读到如果用户点击事件没有调用浏览器可能会阻止弹出窗口,所以我尝试将 AJAX 请求设置为 async: false,这解决了 Firefox 中的问题,但谷歌浏览器仍然阻止我的弹出窗口.有没有办法解决这个问题?

                  Ever since the code was added that does the AJAX call, browsers blocks the popup, that is opened in the success callback of the AJAX call. I read that browsers might block the popup if it's not called by a user click event, so I tried setting the AJAX request to async: false, which solved the problem in Firefox, but Google Chrome still keeps blocking my popup. Is there any way to get around this?


                  I could move the server-side check to the page that gets opened in the popup, but I'd like to do it before opening the popup, if possible.


                  <a id="attackButton" href="#">Attack Base!</a>
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  $(function() {
                      $('#attackButton').click(function() {
                              url: baseurl + '/index.php?option=com_pbbgs&format=raw&getinfo=goingame',
                              data: { 'gameid': 618 },
                              dataType: 'text',
                              async: false,
                              type: 'POST',
                              success: function(data) {
                                  if (window.gameURL) {
                          return false;
                  function goingameRaw()




                  是的,弹出窗口应该是用户操作的直接结果.在 ajax 回调中执行它们不会成功.此外,使用 async:false 是不好的 - 在 FF 中已知会阻止整个浏览器.想一些其他的方法来做检查:

                  Yes, popups should be a direct result of a user action. Doing them in ajax callback will not do the trick. Also, using async:false is bad - in FF it is known to block the whole browser. Think of some other way to do the check:

                  • 这可能是您在弹出窗口中做的第一件事
                  • 您可以在点击时打开弹出窗口,并在稍后触发回调时对其进行操作
                  • 您可以要求用户再次单击某个按钮来触发弹出窗口(可能是最糟糕的解决方案)
                  • 您可以在页面加载时执行此操作


                  上一篇:多显示器/双显示器系统上的 window.open() - 窗口在哪里弹出? 下一篇:如何在 Google Chrome 中使用工具栏打开 window.open?


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