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        在父级中导航到其他地方后,是否可以在 JavaScript 中重用弹出窗口?

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                  本文介绍了在父级中导航到其他地方后,是否可以在 JavaScript 中重用弹出窗口?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  假设我们有一个网站,您在其中单击一个按钮,并使用 JavaScript 打开一个弹出(子)窗口.所以让我们称父级A和弹出窗口P.在 A 的源代码中,我们会看到如下内容:

                  Suppose we have a website in which you click on a button, and that opens a popup (child) window using JavaScript. So let's call the parent A and the popup P. In the source of A, we'd see something like this:

                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  P = window.open('P.html', 'P');

                  所以只要 A 是打开的,我们就可以在 JavaScript 中使用 P 变量与 P 进行交互.但是,当我单击 A 中的链接转到 B.html 时,我会丢失所有变量.然而我的弹出窗口仍然打开,所以我想知道是否有任何方法可以将两者重新连接在一起.有什么方法可以从 B 中操纵 P 吗?非常感谢.

                  So as long as A is open, we can interact with P in JavaScript using the P variable. However, when I click on a link in A to go to B.html, I lose all the variables. Yet my popup window is still open, so I wonder if there's any way I can link the two back together. Is there any way I can manipulate P from within B? Thanks much.


                  我发现,令我惊喜的是,答案是肯定的.Mohammad 使用 window.top 的解决方案不正确;当我尝试从 P 中访问 window.top 时,它只会返回对 P 本身的引用.RobG 的回答有点没抓住重点.

                  Well I figured out that, to my pleasant surprise, the answer is YES. Mohammad's solution of using window.top was not correct; when I try to access window.top from within P, that just returns a reference to P itself. RobG's answer just kind of missed the point.

                  我发现如果我在 P 内部定期执行此操作,一切正常:

                  I found that if I do this periodically from within P, everything works:

                  <!-- A.html, B.html -->
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  function setP(ref)
                      P = ref;
                  <!-- P.html -->
                  <script type="text/javascript">
                  function updateParent()
                      if ( typeof window.opener.setP == 'function' ) {
                  window.setInterval(updateParent, 2000);

                  这样,即使当我将父窗口从 A 导航到 B 时,B 仍将使用对 B 的窗口引用进行更新strong>P,一旦建立,两个窗口就可以再次自由地相互通信了.

                  This way, even when I navigate the parent window from A to B, B will still be updated with a window reference to P and once that's established the two windows can then communicate freely with each other again.

                  这篇关于在父级中导航到其他地方后,是否可以在 JavaScript 中重用弹出窗口?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:无法让 magnific popup 工作,两个 javascript 错误 下一篇:window.opener 不正确


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