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      1. angular2 - 将值从父路由传递到子路由

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                1. 本文介绍了angular2 - 将值从父路由传递到子路由的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一条叫做 home 的路由,它有三个子路由,documents,mail 和垃圾箱.在主路由组件中,它有一个名为用户"的变量.我知道有几种方法可以在父组件和子组件之间传递信息,突出显示 here,但我想如何在父/子路由之间传递信息.

                  I have a route called home and it has three child routes, documents, mail and trash. In the home route component it has a variable called 'user'. I know there are a few ways of passing info between parent and child components highlighted here, but how am I suppose to pass info between parent/child routes.

                  { path: 'home',  component: HomeComponent, children: [
                          { path: 'documents',  component: DocumentsComponent },
                          { path: 'mail',  component: MailComponent },
                          { path: 'trash',  component: TrashComponent },


                  import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
                  export class HomeService {
                    // Mock user, for testing  
                    myUser = {name:"John", loggedIn:true};
                    // Is Super Admin
                    isLogged():boolean {
                      if(this.myUser.role == true){
                        return true ; 
                      return false ; 


                    constructor(public router: Router, public http: Http, private homeService: HomeService) {
                      return this.homeService.isLogged(); 


                  <div class="side-nav fixed" >
                      <li style="list-style: none">
                          <img alt="avatar" class="circle valign profile-image" height="64" src=
                          "../images/avatar.jpg" width="64">
                          <div class="right profile-name">
                              <!-- Value not changing even with service --> 


                  您可以使用通用服务来传递数据,如 Angular 文档

                  You may use a common service to pass data like explained in the Angular Documentation


                  Basically you may create a Service which will have a user object, which can be updated once your parent route gets loaded or with some action on parent component.


                     import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
                     import { Subject }    from 'rxjs/Subject';
                     export class UserService {
                       // Observable user 
                       user = new Subject<string>();


                  And then when the child route component gets loaded you may retrieve the value from the Service.


                   export class HomeComponent{
                     constructor(private userService:UserService ){}
                     someMethod = () =>{
                        this.userService.user.next(<pass user object>);


                   export class HomeComponent{
                     constructor(private userService:UserService ){
                     userChanged = (user) => {
                       // Do stuff with user


                  Service object will be same instance in child if you add the provider in the parent.

                  这篇关于angular2 - 将值从父路由传递到子路由的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:React Native 究竟是什么&lt;&gt;(空)组件 下一篇:Angular 2 动态组件点击事件


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