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      1. 对 console.log 的连续调用会产生不一致的结果

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                  本文介绍了对 console.log 的连续调用会产生不一致的结果的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  Ok, I'm completely dumbfounded by this. (and I might be overlooking something obvious but...)

                  我连续两次调用 console.log.他们之间没有别的事了

                  I have 2 consecutive calls to console.log. There isn't anything else between them




                  Why do the 2 produce different "current" objects? How can this happen?

                  这些调用是在 ajax 调用中进行的,同时解决路由依赖关系.如果您需要更多代码或上下文,请告诉我.

                  Those calls are made inside an ajax call while resolving a route dependencies. If you need more code or context let me know.

                  在 Chrome 和 Firefox 中确认了同样的问题

                  Confirmed the same issue in Chrome and Firefox

                  Ajax 调用和包装函数(没有任何修改)

                  normaCtrl.publicNorma = ['$http', '$state', '$stateParams', 'baseUrl', function ($http, $state, $stateParams, baseUrl)
                      var id = $stateParams.id;
                      return $http.get(baseUrl + "api/public/norma/" + id).then(
                          function (response) {
                              return response.data;


                  • javascript console.log在同一个对象上显示不同的值

                    AngularJS:带有异步 chrome.storage.local.get() 的奇怪 console.log 行为



                    Well, here's the answer for those that stumble upon this.

                    Console.log 在执行的最后状态显示深层可变对象,而不是在调用 console.log 时的状态.

                    Console.log shows deep mutable objects at the last state of execution, not at the state when console.log was called.

                    基本上,在使用可变深层对象时,Console.log 会存储对所述对象的引用,而不是存储对象克隆.

                    Basically, when working with mutable deep objects, Console.log stores the reference to said object instead of storing an object clone.

                    由于存储和可视化之间存在时间间隔,当您单击箭头进行进一步检查时,您看到的实际上是对象的当前状态,而不是状态调用 console.log 时的对象.

                    Since there is a time gap between storing and visualization, when you click the arrow for further inspection what you're seeing is actually the current state of the object and not the the state of the object when console.log was called.

                    始终确保您使用对象快照"的一种方法是调用 Json.stringify 或在可用时使用 console.dir.

                    One way to always make sure you're using an "object snapshot" is to call Json.stringify or use console.dir when available.

                    这篇关于对 console.log 的连续调用会产生不一致的结果的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Angular ui-router:您可以在不更改 URL 的情况下更改状态吗? 下一篇:Angular Run Block - 使用 UI-Router $stateProvider 解决 Promise


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