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        React Native ScrollView - 如何从另一个子组件按钮滚动到子组件?

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                  本文介绍了React Native ScrollView - 如何从另一个子组件按钮滚动到子组件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个带有 ScrollView 的结构,它是一个有 5 个孩子的父级

                  I have this structure with a ScrollView, which is a parent with 5 childs

                  带有 ScrollView 的父组件

                  Parent Component with ScrollView

                  • 组件1
                  • 组件2
                  • 组件3
                  • 组件4
                  • 组件5

                  在 Component3 内部,我有一个按钮,按下该按钮应将父组件 ScrollView 滚动到 Component5

                  Inside Component3 I have a button that when pressed should scroll parent component ScrollView to Component5



                  export default class Home extends React.Component {      
                      renderComments() {
                          return this.state.dataSource.map(item =>
                              <CommentDetail key={item.id} comment={item} />
                      render() {
                          return (
                                  <Component1 />
                                  <Component2 />
                                  <CentralElements  {...this.state.dataSource} scroll = {this.props.scroll} />
                                  <Component4 />                  

                  CentralElements (Component3)

                  export default class CentralElements extends React.Component {
                      constructor(props) {
                      goToComments= () => {
                          this.props.scroll.scrollTo({x: ?, y: ?, animated: true});
                      render() {
                          return (
                              <ScrollView horizontal={true}>
                                  <TouchableOpacity onPress={this.goToComments}>
                                      <Image source={require('../../assets/image.png')} />


                  And the Comments are the Component5, any idea on how to the parent scroll? I trying to figure what I'm missing, since thats my first contact with this.


                  在 component5 中,我在主视图中调用 onLayout,然后将 xy 保存在父组件中.要在单击时在组件 3 中滚动到它,我调用父函数,该函数使用 scrollview ref 滚动到之前存储的值

                  What i did was..
                  in component5 I call onLayout in the main view and then save x and y in the parent component. To scroll to it in component 3 on click i call the parent function that uses the scrollview ref to scroll to the values stored before


                      export default class Component5 extends Component {
                      saveLayout() {
                          this.view.measureInWindow((x, y, width, height) => {
                              this.props.callParentFunction(x, y)
                      render() {
                          return (
                              <View ref={ref => this.view = ref} onLayout={() => this.saveLayout()}>


                  export default class Component3 extends Component {
                      render() {
                          return (
                              <View >
                                  <TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>{this.props.goToComponent5()}}>


                  export default class Parent extends Component {
                  constructor(props) {
                      this.state = {
                      callParentFunction(x, y) {
                          this.setState({ x, y })
                          this.ScrollView.scrollTo({x: this.state.x, y: this.state.y, animated: true});
                      render() {
                          return (
                              <View >
                                  <ScrollView ref={ref => this.ScrollView = ref}>
                                      <Component1 />
                                      <Component2 />
                                      <Component3 goToComponent5={this.goToComponent5}/>
                                      <Component4 />
                                      <Component5 callParentFunction={this.callParentFunction}/>

                  这篇关于React Native ScrollView - 如何从另一个子组件按钮滚动到子组件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何有条件地加载我的 React 组件? 下一篇:React Native - 将父母的状态传递给孩子的麻烦


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