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      1. <legend id='8LWnn'><style id='8LWnn'><dir id='8LWnn'><q id='8LWnn'></q></dir></style></legend>

      2. 如何从必须在目标页面范围内运行的代码中调用 Greasemonkey 的 GM_ 函数?


      3. <legend id='JcKUt'><style id='JcKUt'><dir id='JcKUt'><q id='JcKUt'></q></dir></style></legend>

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                1. 本文介绍了如何从必须在目标页面范围内运行的代码中调用 Greasemonkey 的 GM_ 函数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在这里问了一个问题并得到了答案:如何调用Greasemonkey 的这个 YouTube 功能?

                  I asked a question and got an answer here: How to call this YouTube function from Greasemonkey?

                  但是,关键部分必须在目标页面范围内运行——Greasemonkey 的 GM_ 函数不可用.

                  That code works and adds a button to the page, which captures the video time.
                  But, the key part must run in the target-page scope -- where Greasemonkey's GM_ functions are not available.

                  我想用 GM_setValue() 来记录视频时间.如何从按钮的 click 处理程序中调用 GM_setValue()?

                  I want to use GM_setValue() to record the video time. How do I call GM_setValue() from my button's click handler?


                  ... ...
                  //-- Only run in the top page, not the various iframes.
                  if (window.top === window.self) {
                      var timeBtn         = document.createElement ('a');
                      timeBtn.id          = "gmTimeBtn";
                      timeBtn.textContent = "Time";
                      //-- Button is styled using CSS, in GM_addStyle, below.
                      document.body.appendChild (timeBtn);
                      addJS_Node (null, null, activateTimeButton);
                  function activateTimeButton () {
                      var timeBtn = document.getElementById ("gmTimeBtn");
                      if (timeBtn) {
                          timeBtn.addEventListener ('click',
                              function () {
                                  var ytplayer = document.getElementById ("movie_player");
                                  //-- IMPORTANT:  GM_functions will not work here.
                                  console.log ("getCurrentTime(): ", ytplayer.getCurrentTime() );
                                  alert (ytplayer.getCurrentTime() );
                      else {
                          alert ("Time button not found!");
                  ... ...



                  从必须在页面范围内运行的代码中使用 Greasemonkey 的 GM_ 函数(例如您的 timeBtn单击处理程序),请执行以下操作:

                  To use Greasemonkey's GM_ functions from code that must run in the page scope (Such as your timeBtn click handler), do the following:

                  1. 让页面范围代码使用 postMessage 以字符串格式发送数据.
                  2. 让 Greasemonkey 脚本监听相应的消息,并使用消息数据调用所需的 GM_ 函数.
                  3. 使用 JSON 安全地将数据打包成字符串.
                  1. Have the page-scope code use postMessage to send the data in string format.
                  2. Have the Greasemonkey script listen for the appropriate messages and call the desired GM_ function(s) with the message data.
                  3. Use JSON to safely package data in strings.


                  Adding window.postMessage () and window.addEventListener ("message"... to your code, it becomes:

                  ... ...
                  //-- Only run in the top page, not the various iframes.
                  if (window.top === window.self) {
                      var timeBtn         = document.createElement ('a');
                      timeBtn.id          = "gmTimeBtn";
                      timeBtn.textContent = "Time";
                      //-- Button is styled using CSS, in GM_addStyle, below.
                      document.body.appendChild (timeBtn);
                      addJS_Node (null, null, activateTimeButton);
                      window.addEventListener ("message", receiveTimeMessage, false);
                  function activateTimeButton () {
                      var timeBtn = document.getElementById ("gmTimeBtn");
                      if (timeBtn) {
                          timeBtn.addEventListener ('click',
                              function () {
                                  var ytplayer = document.getElementById ("movie_player");
                                  /*-- GM_functions will not work here, so send the data
                                      back to the GM script scope.
                                  //-- Tag the message, we may not be the only ones sending.
                                  var messageTxt  = JSON.stringify (
                                      {currentVidTime: ytplayer.getCurrentTime ()}
                                  window.postMessage (messageTxt, "*");
                      else {
                          alert ("Time button not found!");
                  function receiveTimeMessage (event) {
                      var messageJSON;
                      try {
                          messageJSON     = JSON.parse (event.data);
                      catch (zError) {
                          // Do nothing
                      if ( ! messageJSON  ||  ! messageJSON.currentVidTime)
                          return; //-- Message is not for us.
                      /*--- We have a time value, set it with GM_setValue ()
                          But, WARNING: First make sure that the stored value is
                          a safe string.  GM_setValue() crashes on just about anything else.
                      var safeValue       = JSON.stringify (messageJSON.currentVidTime);
                      GM_setValue ("videoMarkedTime", safeValue);
                      console.log ("Video time recorded with GM_setValue ().");
                  ... ...

                  您可以通过打开 about:config 并搜索 videoMarkedTime 来查看存储的值.

                  You can see the stored value by opening about:config and searching for videoMarkedTime.

                  这篇关于如何从必须在目标页面范围内运行的代码中调用 Greasemonkey 的 GM_ 函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何使嵌入式 Youtube 播放器静音? 下一篇:嵌入 YouTube 视频 - 拒绝显示在框架中,因为它将“X-Frame-Options"设置为“SAMEO


                2. <small id='J5lAS'></small><noframes id='J5lAS'>

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