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      1. R:将多个 html 小部件保存在一起

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                • 本文介绍了R:将多个 html 小部件保存在一起的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在使用 R 编程语言.我有兴趣学习如何保存几个html 小部件".一起.我已经能够手动创建不同类型的 html 小部件:

                  I am using the R programming language. I am interested in learning how to save several "html widgets" together. I have been able to manually create different types of html widgets:

                  #widget 1
                  # create map data
                  map_data <- data.frame(
                    "Lati" = c(43.6426, 43.6424, 43.6544, 43.6452, 43.6629), "Longi" = c(-79.3871, -79.3860, -79.3807, -79.3806, -79.3957),
                    "Job" = c("Economist", "Economist", "Teacher", "Teacher", "Lawyer"),
                    "First_Name" = c("John", "James", "Jack", "Jason", "Jim"),
                    "Last_Name" = c("Smith", "Charles", "Henry", "David", "Robert"),
                    "vehicle" = c("car", "van", "car", "none", "car")
                  kingdom <- c("Economist", "Lawyer", "Teacher")
                  my_palette <- brewer.pal(3, "Paired")
                  factpal <- colorFactor(my_palette, levels = kingdom)
                  groups <- unique(map_data$Job)
                  # finalize map
                  map <- leaflet(map_data) %>%
                    addTiles(group = "OpenStreetMap") %>% 
                    addCircleMarkers(~Longi, ~Lati, popup = ~Job,
                                     radius = 10, weight = 2, opacity = 1, color = ~factpal(Job),
                                     fill = TRUE, fillOpacity = 1, group = ~Job
                  widget_1 = map %>%
                    addLayersControl(overlayGroups = groups, options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) %>%
                    addTiles() %>%
                    addMarkers(lng = ~Longi, 
                               lat = ~Lati, 
                               popup = ~paste("Job", Job, "<br>", 
                                              "First_Name:", First_Name, "<br>", 
                                              "Last_Name:", Last_Name, "<br>", "vehicle:", vehicle, "<br>"))

                  小部件 2:

                  ##### widget 2
                  p_plot <- data.frame(frequency = c(rnorm(31, 1), rnorm(31)),
                                       is_consumed = factor(round(runif(62))))
                  p2 <- p_plot %>%
                    ggplot(aes(frequency, fill = is_consumed)) +
                    geom_density(alpha = 0.5)     
                  widget_2 = ggplotly(p2)

                  小部件 3:

                  today <- Sys.Date()
                  tm <- seq(0, 600, by = 10)
                  x <- today - tm
                  y <- rnorm(length(x))
                  widget_3 <- plot_ly(x = ~x, y = ~y, mode = 'lines', text = paste(tm, "days from today"))

                  小部件 4:

                  Data_I_Have <- data.frame(
                      "Node_A" = c("John", "John", "John", "Peter", "Peter", "Peter", "Tim", "Kevin", "Adam", "Adam", "Xavier"),
                      "Node_B" = c("Claude", "Peter", "Tim", "Tim", "Claude", "Henry", "Kevin", "Claude", "Tim", "Henry", "Claude")
                  graph_file <- data.frame(Data_I_Have$Node_A, Data_I_Have$Node_B)
                  colnames(graph_file) <- c("Data_I_Have$Node_A", "Data_I_Have$Node_B")
                  graph <- graph.data.frame(graph_file, directed=F)
                  graph <- simplify(graph)
                  nodes <- data.frame(id = V(graph)$name, title = V(graph)$name)
                  nodes <- nodes[order(nodes$id, decreasing = F),]
                  edges <- get.data.frame(graph, what="edges")[1:2]
                  widget_4 = visNetwork(nodes, edges) %>%   visIgraphLayout(layout = "layout_with_fr") %>%
                      visOptions(highlightNearest = TRUE, nodesIdSelection = TRUE)

                  从这里,我发现了另一个 stackoverflow 帖子,其中提出了类似的问题:使用R和plot.ly,如何将多个htmlwidgets保存到我的html中?

                  From here, I found another stackoverflow post where a similar question was asked: Using R and plot.ly, how to save multiples htmlwidgets to my html?

                  在这篇文章中,它解释了如何将多个 html 小部件保存在一起 - 回答问题的人编写了一个函数来这样做:

                  In this post, it explains how to save several html widgets together - the person who answered the question wrote a function to do so:

                  save_tags <- function (tags, file, selfcontained = F, libdir = "./lib") 
                    if (is.null(libdir)) {
                      libdir <- paste(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(file)), 
                                      "_files", sep = "")
                    htmltools::save_html(tags, file = file, libdir = libdir)
                    if (selfcontained) {
                      if (!htmlwidgets:::pandoc_available()) {
                        stop("Saving a widget with selfcontained = TRUE requires pandoc. For details see:
                      htmlwidgets:::pandoc_self_contained_html(file, file)
                      unlink(libdir, recursive = TRUE)
                    return(htmltools::tags$iframe(src= file, height = "400px", width = "100%", style="border:0;"))

                  我尝试使用此功能将 4 个小部件保存在一起:

                  I tried using this function to save the 4 widgets together:

                  save_tags(widget_1, widget_2, widget_3, widget_4)


                  But doing so, I got the following error:

                   Error in dirname(file) : a character vector argument expected 

                  有没有一种直接简单的方法可以将多个 html 小部件保存在一起?

                  Is there a straightforward and simple way for saving multiple html widgets together?


                  注意:我知道您可以在 R 中使用 combineWidgets() 函数:

                  NOTE: I know that you can use the combineWidgets() function in R:

                  combineWidgets(widget_1, widget_2, widget_3, widget_4)

                  但是,我使用的计算机没有互联网接入或 USB 端口.这台计算机预装了带有有限库的 R 副本(它包含我的问题中使用的所有库,除了manipulateWidget").我正在寻找将多个 html 小部件保存在一起的最简单方法(例如,这在 base R 中是否可行)?

                  However, I am working with a computer that has no internet access or USB ports. This computer has a pre-installed copy of R with limited libraries (it has all the libraries used throughout my question except "manipulateWidget"). I am looking for the simplest way to save multiple html widgets together (e.g. is this possible in base R)?




                  If format doesn't matter too much, you can merge the widgets using tagList and save them directly:

                  htmltools::save_html(tagList(widget_1, widget_2, widget_3, widget_4), file = "C://Users//Me//Desktop//widgets.html")


                  (It goes without saying that you will need to edit the filepath!)

                  如果要控制小部件的布局,可以将每个小部件包装在一个 div 中,然后设置它们的样式:

                  If you want to control the layout of the widgets, you can wrap each in a div, and then style those:

                  doc <- htmltools::tagList(
                    div(widget_1, style = "float:left;width:50%;"),
                    div(widget_2,style = "float:left;width:50%;"),
                    div(widget_3, style = "float:left;width:50%;"),
                    div(widget_4, style = "float:left;width:50%;")
                  htmltools::save_html(html = doc, file = "C://Users//Me//Desktop//widgets.html")

                  这篇关于R:将多个 html 小部件保存在一起的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:未捕获的 ReferenceError:django 未定义 下一篇:为新的 twitter 小部件设计样式(嵌入式时间线)


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