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        当用户尝试离开页面而不保存时创建确认 JavaScript

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                • 本文介绍了当用户尝试离开页面而不保存时创建确认 JavaScript的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I am trying to make it so that if a user makes changes to a page and then tries to leave the page without saving, a popup message will appear with an "OK" button (no "Cancel" button). Clicking the "OK" button, closes the message. The user must click the "Save" button or they will keep getting the message, prohibiting them from leaving the page until the "Save" button is clicked. By leave the page, I mean keeping them from navigating to another tab or menu item within the site...if they click any other link on the page, it would give them the popup. They can leave they site at anytime.

                  我想我需要 JavaScript 模式对话框来摆脱取消"按钮,但对实现有点不确定.

                  I am thinking I need JavaScript modal dialog to get rid of the Cancel button but am a bit uncertain of the implementation.

                  目前,我正在使用 r = Confirm(见下文),但它有一个取消按钮,并且如果用户单击确定",它可以选择离开页面.我不希望他们在不点击保存"按钮的情况下离开页面,否则他们将不得不关闭整个窗口.

                  Currently, I am using r = confirm (see below) but it has the cancel button plus it gives the option for users to leave the page if they click "OK". I do not want them to be able to leave the page without clicking the "Save" button or they would have to close the entire window.


                  Any help/explanation is very much appreciated as I am very new to this. Thank you.

                  if (typeof unsaved != 'undefined') {
                  if (unsaved == true) {
                  var r = confirm("Please click Update. Unsaved changes will be lost.");
                  if (r == false) {
                       saveNeeded = "true";
                       else { saveNeeded = "false"; }



                  您无法强制用户留在网站上,但是当用户尝试关闭窗口时,它会提供一个带有离开"和停留"按钮的弹出窗口.所有主要的网络浏览器都允许用户随意离开任何网页,你能做的最多就是警告他们.onBeforeUnload 可能是您将实现的最佳跨浏览器解决方案,让用户有机会留在网站上并在离开前保存他们的更改.

                  You won't be able to force a user to stay on the website, however it will provide a pop up window with the 'Leave' and 'Stay' buttons when they attempt to close the window. All major web browsers allow the user to leave any webpage at will, and the most you can do is warn them. onBeforeUnload is probably the best cross-browser solution you will achieve to give users a chance to stay on the site and save their changes before leaving.

                  <script language="JavaScript">
                      window.onbeforeunload = confirmExit;
                      function confirmExit() {
                          return "Please click Update. Unsaved changes will be lost.";


                  It would be very bad practice to attempt to lock a user to your website without an option of leaving, which is why it is not supported by any major web browsers. If it is so important that you MUST force the user to do something (and you have the right to as a company or such), you should use another platform or write a custom plugin to the user's web browser. But for general use, you can't lock their browser.

                  这篇关于当用户尝试离开页面而不保存时创建确认 JavaScript的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:防止模态滚动 下一篇:如何跳转到浏览器页面顶部


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