多个元素上的一个 jQuery 更改事件

本文介绍了多个元素上的一个 jQuery 更改事件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



我有 3 个文本框,它们都具有相同的 id,我通过将其放入控制器数组中处理到 ASP 中

I have 3 textboxes, all with the same id's that I process into ASP by bringing it into a controller array

我有一个链接,可以在前 3 个下方添加无限数量的文本框.

I have a link that adds an unlimited number of textboxes below the first 3.


    $('input.#invent').change(function () {


works fine for the change event on the first textbox, but the others with the same information do not fire it when changed

当任何 3 个以上的文本框发生更改时,触发更改事件的最佳策略是什么??

What is the best strategy for getting the change event to fire when any of the 3+ textboxes change??


将 ID 为 #invent 的所有三个元素改为一个类(ID 的 必须是唯一的),否则它只适用于第一个元素,比如什么您的情况目前正在发生.

Change all three elements with the #invent ID to a class instead (ID's must to be unique), or it's only going to work for the first element, like what's currently happening in your case.

然后,您可以定位所有具有 .invent 类的元素:

Then, you can target all of the elements that have the .invent class:

$('input.invent').change(function () {
   // Here, $(this) refers to the specific element of the .invent class which 'changed'

详细了解 ID 和类选择器之间的区别这里.

Read more about the difference between ID and Class selectors here.

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