Imagine a simple list of users with "edit" links. Clicking "Edit" opens up a dialog box with details for the selected user. The "Details" popup is a partial view.
在 JQuery 对话框窗口中打开部分视图时,我遇到了缓存部分视图的问题.
I have an issue with Partial Views being cached when opening them in JQuery dialog windows.
我的部分视图(注意 OutputCache 属性是我试图解决缓存问题的事情之一):
My partial view( Notice the OutputCache attribute as one of the things I tried to solve the caching issue):
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
public PartialViewResult EditUser(int id)
var userList = userRepository.GetByRole(id);
return PartialView("EditUser",userList);
上面的 PartialView 是从以下 Javascript 函数请求和加载的:
The PartialView above is requested and loaded from the following Javascript function:
function editUserOpen(id) {
$.ajaxSetup({ ///// Another thing I tried to solve caching
cache: false
var url = "/User/PartialViewResult/" + id;
$('#user-wrap').empty().load(url, function () {
title: "Edit User",
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 500,
modal: true
如上所示,dialog-edit-user"(连同dialog-add-user"和dialog-delete-user")位于 DOM 中的user-wrap"Div 内.
As shown above "dialog-edit-user" ( along with "dialog-add-user" and "dialog-delete-user" ) are located inside of the "user-wrap" Div in the DOM.
Functionally everything works but when I open a dialog, cancel and then try opening dialogs for other users, until the page is refreshed the dialogs will always contain info from the initially displayed dialog. I figured its a caching issue but I ran out of ways to solve it.
如果可能的话,我想远离 $.ajax({ cache:false; }).html(content).在我看来,它比 .load() 慢很多.
I would like to stay away from $.ajax({ cache:false; }).html(content) if possible. It seems to me that it's a lot slower than .load().
每次使用 .dialog() 初始化 JQuery 对话框时,如上所示,成为弹出窗口的 div 被从 DOM 中取出并移动到页面底部.Dialog Div 不能是另一个 Div 的子级.在我的例子中是:
Everytime JQuery dialog is initialized with .dialog() as shown above the div that becomes a pop up is being taken out of the DOM and moved the the bottom of the page. Dialog Div cannot be a child of another Div. In my example it was:
<div id="user-wrap">
<div id="dialog-edit-user"> /// <--- Jquery dialog div
对话框不能被其他 div 包裹.
Dialog cannot be wrapped in other divs.
第一次单击后,当显示对话框时,JQuery 只是开始在页面底部累积重复的 Div.$("#").dialog('open')
每次让程序员/用户认为这是一个缓存问题时,都会打开累积重复项的最顶层 DIV.
After the first click, when the dialog is displayed JQuery simply starts accumulating duplicate Divs at the bottom of the page. $("#").dialog('open')
opens the very top DIV of accumulated duplicated every time making the programmer/user think it's a caching issue.
因此解决方案是在 .dialog({close: }
事件的页面底部删除由 JQuery 创建的 div,或者使用 JQuery 将其移回父包装器 DIV.append()
So the solution is to either remove the div created by JQuery from the bottom of the page on .dialog({close: }
event or to move it back up to the parent wrapper DIV with JQuery .append()
/ .appendTo()
Hope this helps to a next programmer who runs into similar issue.
这篇关于将部分视图加载到 JQuery 对话框中的缓存问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!