


在为 nodejs 探索 mongoose 时,我遇到了需要知道我的集合中用户数量的问题:

While exploring mongoose for nodejs I ran into the problem of needing to know the amount of user in my collection:


My collection has records, each record has a user. I want to know the amount of unique (different) users.


How can I do this with mongoose?


The database is growing quite fast, is there anyway to get the number back from the DB instead of getting all the distinct records and counting them?


这是一个替代答案,因为当我尝试 Reddest 的 Mongoose 3.1.2 方法时遇到异常(这对我来说似乎是 Mongoose 中的一个错误,因为 Reddest 的方法应该没事).

Here's an alternative answer as I get an exception when I try Reddest's approach with Mongoose 3.1.2 (which seems like a bug in Mongoose to me as Reddest's approach should be fine).

您可以在集合的模型上调用 distinct 方法,指定该集合的用户标识字段的名称:

You can call the distinct method on your collection's model, specifying the name of the user-identifying field of that collection:

Record.distinct('user_id').exec(function (err, user_ids) {
    console.log('The number of unique users is: %d', user_ids.length);

或者,如果您想从查找中链接 distinct 调用,请在 distinct 调用中包含回调(这对我有用):

Or if you want to chain the distinct call from a find, include the callback in the distinct call (this did work for me):

Record.find().distinct('user_id', function (err, user_ids) { ... });


如果您只想要计数而不获取值,请在链中添加 count() 调用:

If you just want the count without getting the values, stick a count() call in the chain:

Record.distinct('user_id').count().exec(function (err, count) {
    console.log('The number of unique users is: %d', count);

注意:这在最新的 Mongoose 代码 (3.5.2) 中不起作用.

NOTE: this doesn't work in the latest Mongoose code (3.5.2).


上一篇:Dynamodb 过滤器表达式不返回所有结果 下一篇:如何在 PouchDB 上模拟聚合函数 avg、sum、max、min 和 count?
