我对电子很陌生.谁能建议我如何使用电子获取本地文件夹的相对路径?JavaScript 没有这种能力.
I am very new to the electron. Can anyone suggest me how to get a local folder's relative path using the electron? JavaScript does not have that capability.
I have a Choose File button(see snapshot), so my question is that when I select a folder and click on the open button then it should return a whole directory path.
正如@phuongle 在评论中指出的,你想使用 showOpenDialog()
As @phuongle pointed out in the comments you want to use showOpenDialog()
. Something like this:
var remote = require('remote');
var dialog = remote.require('electron').dialog;
var path = dialog.showOpenDialog({
properties: ['openDirectory']
更新:如果上述方法不适用于您当前的 Electron 版本,您应该尝试更现代的导入:
UPDATE: If the above isn't working for your current Electron version, you should try more modern importing:
const {dialog} = require('electron').remote;
In addition, in order to use remote
, you need to set enableRemoteModule
when creating your window in your main process:
const myWindow = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
enableRemoteModule: true