ElectronJS - 在 Windows 之间共享 redux 存储?

本文介绍了ElectronJS - 在 Windows 之间共享 redux 存储?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个基于 electron-react-boilerplate 的电子应用程序.

I have an electron app based on electron-react-boilerplate.


Now, that I have one window running as I wanted it to run, I started to create a new window.

我目前有 2 个 html 文件 - 每个窗口一个 - 包含 div 根:

I currently have 2 html files - one for each window - containing div roots:

  1. <div data-root id="main_root"></div>
  2. <div data-root id="second_root"></div>

我的 index.js 文件是用于渲染 React 应用程序的响应,如下所示:

My index.js file that is response for rendering the react app looks like this:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { AppContainer } from 'react-hot-loader';
import HomeRoot from './roots/HomeRoot';
import HoverRoot from './roots/HoverRoot';
import { configureStore, history } from './store/configureStore';

const store = configureStore();

const rootMapping = {
  main_root: {
    name: 'HomeRoot',
    Component: HomeRoot,
    getNextRoot: () => require('./roots/HomeRoot'),
  second_root: {
    name: 'SecondRoot',
    Component: SecondRoot,
    getNextRoot: () => require('./roots/SecondRoot'),

const renderDesiredRoot = () => {
  const rootElementID = document.querySelector('[data-root]').id;
  const root = rootMapping[rootElementID];
  if (!root) throw Error('There is no such Root component!');
  const { Component, getNextRoot, name } = root;
      <Component store={store} history={history} />
  if (module.hot) {
    module.hot.accept(`./roots/${name}`, () => {
      const NextRoot = getNextRoot();
          <NextRoot store={store} history={history} />


它的作用是检查哪个 div 根可用,并呈现适当的组件.

What it does, it checks which div root is available, and renders proper components.


如何创建将在 BrowserWindow 实例之间共享的商店?我已经研究了 2 个 npm 包(electron-reduxredux-electron-store),在这种情况下,它们似乎不是我的解决方案.

How can I make a store that will be shared accross the BrowserWindow instances? I already looked into 2 npm packages (electron-redux and redux-electron-store) and they do not seem as a solution for me in this case.



I tried using this very simple approach, it works almost perfectly, but sometimes it's freezing (I'm not sure yet what exactly is making it to freeze). Maybe this could be useful to anyone, and if someone finds out what is causing the freezing issue, please let us know.

Redux 存储代码(所有窗口都使用相同的代码):

Redux store code (this same code is used by all windows):

export const store = window.opener?.store || createStore(...);

Object.assign(window, { store });


Then I need to open new electron window from a renderer process of the main window using:

const newWindow = window.open("/path", "someName");


And we also need this code on the main process:

win.webContents.on("new-window", function (e, url, frameName, _, options) {

  if (frameName === "someName")
    e.newGuest = new BrowserWindow({ ...options, width: 300, height: 200, /* anything else you wanna add */ });

这篇关于ElectronJS - 在 Windows 之间共享 redux 存储?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何在电子应用程序中访问相机/网络摄像头? 下一篇:如何在angular-cli的组件内使用电子浏览器窗口?

