使用 jQuery 验证插件:onfocusout、onkeyup 在生产站点上未按预期工作

本文介绍了使用 jQuery 验证插件:onfocusout、onkeyup 在生产站点上未按预期工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 jQuery 验证插件 v.1.9.0 它可以工作很友好地.但是我面临这个问题,一旦用户提交表单 &如果有任何错误,它会正确显示错误消息.问题在于,如果用户采取措施纠正该错误,它不会更新消息.例如.如果需要一个字段,则在第一次收到消息时,用户开始输入,然后该消息应该消失.

I am using jQuery Validate plugin v.1.9.0 it works very nicely. But I am facing this issue, once the user submits the form & if there are any errors, it correctly display error message. The problem is that it does not update the message if the user takes an action to remedy that error. E.g. if a field is required, upon getting the message the first time, user starts typing, then that message should go away.

在文档中提到 onfocusout &onkeyup 用于此目的 &默认情况下,它们设置为 true.有趣的是,它似乎可以在我的本地工作站上运行,但是一旦我将代码上传到生产站点,它就会(默默地)失败.我以为我以某种方式把它搞砸了,所以我启动了 jsfiddle 并输入了相关代码 看看它是否也发生在那里.

In the docs it mentions that onfocusout & onkeyup are used for this purpose & by default they are set to true. The funny thing is it seems to work on my local workstation but it fails (silently) once I upload my code to production site. I thought I was messing it up royally somehow so I fired up jsfiddle and put relevant code to see if it happens there as well.


I was amazed to see it happens there as well. So my question is why does it work on my local machine but not on production sites?



要复制问题,请执行 -

To replicate the issue, do -

  1. 转到 jsfiddle 页面.
  2. 无需填写任何字段点击提交表单.
  3. 它会在每个字段旁边显示错误消息.
  4. 现在开始在任一字段中输入内容.
  5. 您会注意到,即使满足规则,错误消息也不会消失.在我的本地机器上,一旦我在该字段中输入任何内容,错误消息就会消失.



This problem even exists in some of the examples on the JQuery website.

我发现当输入元素没有类型时会出现问题.如果未指定,Web 浏览器假定类型为文本",但 jquery.validate 存在问题.您的输入元素应如下所示:

I found that the problem occurs when the input element has no type. Web browsers assume that the type is "text" if not specified, but jquery.validate has a problem with that. Your input element should look like this:

<input id="cname" name="name" type="text" class="required" minlength="2" />

这篇关于使用 jQuery 验证插件:onfocusout、onkeyup 在生产站点上未按预期工作的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:jQuery:如何在尚未添加到 DOM 的元素上调用 jQuery 插件函数? 下一篇:如何向 jQuery 对象添加新方法?

