JSON2 与 jquery-json

本文介绍了JSON2 与 jquery-json的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



This is probably a simple question, which I can't seem to find a solid answer to.

为什么要选择 JSON2 而不是 jquery-json 插件(http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/)?假设一个 Web 应用程序开始使用 jQuery.

Why would one choose JSON2 over jquery-json plugin (http://code.google.com/p/jquery-json/)? Given that a web application is using jQuery to begin with.

每个人都在写 JSON2 依赖于原生实现的伟大之处;好吧,jquery-json 也是如此.我欢迎指向博客、文章和示例的链接.但是,我正在寻找一个强有力的可靠答案,说明哪个更好用以及为什么.

Everyone's writing about how great it is that JSON2 falls back on the native implementation; well, so does jquery-json. I welcome links to blogs, articles and examples. However, I'm looking for a strong solid answer on which one is better to use and why.


两者的一个重要区别是json2的api和native api完全一样,而jquery-json是jquery插件(和falling略有不同)回到本机实现).

An important difference between the two is that JSON2's api is exactly the same as the native api whereas jquery-json is a jquery plugin (which is slightly different than falling back on the native implementation).

我会说你的答案取决于你想使用哪个 api,因为无论哪种实现,你都会得到相同的结果(你至少应该这样做).

I would say your answer depends on which api you want to use since you'll get the same results with either implementation (you should at least).

作为一个思想实验,让我们假设每个浏览器都有一个原生 JSON api 实现.你还会使用 jquery-json 吗?

As a thought experiment, let's imagine that every browser had a native JSON api implementation. Would you still use jquery-json?


If so, then use the jquery plug-in.

如果不是,那么当原生 api 已经众所周知(即使它没有全局实现)时,为什么要将代码绑定到 jquery-json api?

If not, then why would you tie your code to the jquery-json api when the native api is already well-known (even if its not globally implemented)?

如果这对你来说意味着什么,John Resig(jQuery 的创建者)说过 与此同时,请开始将使用 JSON 的应用程序迁移到 Crockford 的 json2.js"

If it means anything to you, John Resig (the creator of jQuery) has said "In the meantime PLEASE start migrating your JSON-using applications over to Crockford's json2.js"

这篇关于JSON2 与 jquery-json的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:是否可以以编程方式触发 onbeforeunload 事件? 下一篇:为年轻用户替代 Javascript 提示框

