哪些工具可用于记录 jQuery 插件?

本文介绍了哪些工具可用于记录 jQuery 插件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我最近开始创建一些 jQuery 插件,我发现很难使用我找到的文档生成工具来记录它们.我试过了:JSDoc, JSDoc-toolkit、JGrouse 和一个基于网络的工具还.我最头疼的是我的插件被编码为一个大的匿名函数,我无法让工具识别我在做什么,或者完全忽略它,让我输入方法的文档标签、对象等.

I've recently started creating some jQuery plugins and I'm finding it difficult to document them with the documentation generating tools that I've found. I've tried: JSDoc, JSDoc-toolkit, JGrouse and a web-based tool also. My biggest headache is that my plug-ins are coded as one big anonymous function, and I'm having trouble getting the tools to either recognize what I'm doing, or ignore it altogether and let me type in the documentation tags for the methods, objects, etc..

还有其他工具可以帮助记录 jQuery 插件吗?

Are there any other tools that might help with documenting jQuery plugins?



你看过Natural Docs?它可能对 JavaScript 没有太多明确的支持,但无论如何它都做得很好.当然你可以欺骗它让它不理解代码,但如果你玩得很好,它可能是一个地狱般的工具.

Have you had a look at Natural Docs? It might not have very much of explicit support for JavaScript, however it does a quite good job anyway. Of course you can trick it not to understand the code, but if you play nice with it, it can be a hell of a tool.

这篇关于哪些工具可用于记录 jQuery 插件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:没有搜索字段的jQuery选择插件 下一篇:jQuery 图像选择器

