如何添加 ID 保存在 JSON 文件 discord.js v12 中的角色?

本文介绍了如何添加 ID 保存在 JSON 文件 discord.js v12 中的角色?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在发出警告命令,但我遇到了角色分配问题.首先,我有一个命令为公会设置警告角色.它对 &setwarnedrole {role ID} 做出反应.它将角色 ID 保存到公会 ID 旁边的 JSON 文件中.然后,warn 命令读取文件,并获取与执行命令的公会 ID 一起存储的角色 ID.您使用 &warn {user ping/user ID} 来警告人们.但是当我这样做时,它给了我一个错误:

I'm making a warn command and I've run into a problem with the role giving. First, I have a command that sets the warned role for the guild. It reacts to &setwarnedrole {role ID}. It saves the role ID into a JSON file, next to the guild ID. Then, the warn command reads the file, and gets the role ID that was stored with the guild ID the command is executed in. You use &warn {user ping/user ID} to warn people. But when I do that, it gives me an error:

TypeError [INVALID_TYPE]: Supplied roles is not a Role, Snowflake or Array or Collection of Roles or Snowflakes.

我的 &setwarnedrole 代码:

My code for &setwarnedrole:

const { DiscordAPIError } = require("discord.js");
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const fs = require("fs");
let warnedRoleList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./roleIDs/warnedRole.json", "utf-8"));

module.exports = {
    name: 'setwarnedrole',
    description: "Set the warned role for your guild with this command",
    execute(message, args){
        const fs = require("fs");
        let warnedRoleList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./roleIDs/warnedRole.json", "utf-8"));
        if (!message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_GUILD")) return message.reply("you are missing the manage server permissions")
        let guildID = message.guild.id;
        const warnedRole = message.guild.roles.cache.get(args[0]);
        const warnedRoleID = warnedRole.id
        if (!warnedRole) {
            return message.reply('invalid role ID')

        message.reply(`warned role succesfully set to ${warnedRole}`)

        if(!warnedRoleList[guildID])warnedRoleList[guildID] = {
            warnedRoleList: warnedRoleID
        fs.writeFile("./roleIDs/warnedRole.json", JSON.stringify(warnedRoleList), err => {
            if (err) console.log(err)

        console.log(`Warned role ID = ${warnedRoleID}`)
        console.log(`Guild ID = ${guildID}`)

我的 &warn 代码:

My code for &warn:

const { DiscordAPIError } = require("discord.js");
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const fs = require("fs");
let warnedRoleList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./roleIDs/warnedRole.json", "utf-8"));
const commands = require("./commands");

module.exports = {
    name: 'warn',
    description: "The bot will warn the mentioned user",
    execute(message, args){
        let warnedRoleList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./roleIDs/warnedRole.json", "utf-8"));
        let guildID = message.guild.id;
            var role = message.guild.roles.cache.get(`${warnedRoleList[guildID]}`);
            var member = message.mentions.members.first() || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]);
            if(!member) {
                message.reply('please specify the user that should be warned')
            if(!role) {
                message.reply('there is not a role set as the warned role, set it by doing &setwarnedrole (that requires manage server permissions)')
            if (member.roles.cache.has(`${warnedRoleList[guildID]}`)) {
                message.reply('this user is already warned!')
            } else
            .then(memberAdded => {
             message.channel.send(`${member.displayName} was succesfully warned by ${message.author.tag}`);
            .catch(error => {
        } else message.reply(`you don't have permissions to execute this command.`);

最后,这是角色 ID 与公会 ID 一起保存在 JSON 文件中的方式:

and finally, this is how the role ID is saved with the guild ID in the JSON file:


第一个数字是公会 ID,第二个数字是警告角色 ID.但是即使我删除了"签名,制作:

with the first number being the guild ID and the second number being the warned role ID. But even if I remove the "" sign, making it:


还是不行.如果我将 role 设置为特定数字,则警告命令有效.此外,记录 role 告诉 role = undefined.尝试记录 warnedRoleList[guildID] 会导致获取 [objectObject].我做错了什么?谢谢:)

it still doesn't work. The warn command works if I set role to a specific number. Also, logging role tells that role = undefined. Trying to log warnedRoleList[guildID] results into getting [objectObject]. What have I done wrong? Thanks :)


好的,我发现了错误.我将 &warn 中的 role 设置为 message.guild.roles.cache.get(`${warnedRoleList[guildID]}`);,但它应该是为 message.guild.roles.cache.get(`${warnedRoleList[guildID].warnedRoleList}`);.结案.

Ok, I found the mistake. I was setting the role in &warn to message.guild.roles.cache.get(`${warnedRoleList[guildID]}`);, but it is supposed to be message.guild.roles.cache.get(`${warnedRoleList[guildID].warnedRoleList}`);. Case closed.

这篇关于如何添加 ID 保存在 JSON 文件 discord.js v12 中的角色?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:在 Discord.js 中列出可踢成员 下一篇:错误 [BAN_RESOLVE_ID]:无法将用户 ID 解析为解禁

