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      在 plotly 中添加索引作为下拉菜单

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                本文介绍了在 plotly 中添加索引作为下拉菜单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                fig = px.line(df, x='Time', y=['one','two'], color= df.index)fig['layout']['xaxis']['autorange'] = "reversed"fig.update_layout(legend_title=价格")图.show()

                奖励:如果您认为这种方法很乏味,并且滑动条就可以完成这项工作,那么 Plotly 支持条形图的动画.以下是您可以使用的代码:

                fig = px.bar(df, x='Time', y=['one','two'], animation_frame=df.index)fig.update_layout(title='Data', barmode='group')图.show()


                I am plotting chart using below code:

                fig = px.line(df, x='Time', y=['one','two'], color= df.index)
                fig['layout']['xaxis']['autorange'] = "reversed"

                Dataframe i am working with like is below:

                      Time   one    two
                100   9:30   129    243
                110  10:30   234    453
                120  11:00   155    234

                Want to add dropdown menu to select from index and show one row at a time in chart. example if i select 110 from drop down it should only show chart for that row. Is there any easy fix for it. Thank you in adavance.


                Here's my solution:
                In order to set the proper options for the dropdown menu, it would be helpful to have a function that creates the list of options (shown below)

                # Create proper buttons list
                def makeButtonsList(idxs):
                    buttons = []
                    for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
                        visibleArr = np.full((2*df.index.shape[0],), 
                                             False, dtype=bool)       # 2x number of booleans since one/two vals are separate plots
                        visibleArr[2*i] = True                        # Set two booleans next to each other (representing one & two) to true
                        visibleArr[(2*i)+1] = True
                                            args=[{'visible': list(visibleArr)}]))    # 'Visible' arg determines which plots are shown 
                                                                                      # depending on which dropdown is selected 
                    return buttons

                Next create the traces for the data (with your sample data, I created a bar chart but you could easily modify this)

                traces = []
                for i in range(df.Time.shape[0]):
                    rowData = df.iloc[i, :]
                    time = rowData.Time
                    one = rowData.one
                    two = rowData.two
                    traces.append(go.Bar(x=[time], y=[one], name='One'))
                    traces.append(go.Bar(x=[time], y=[two], name='Two'))

                where df is the dataframe you are working with.

                Finally put it all together and create the Plotly plot!

                # Import packages
                import pandas as pd
                import numpy as np
                import plotly.graph_objs as go
                import plotly.express as px
                # Create proper buttons list
                def makeButtonsList(idxs):
                    buttons = []
                    for i, idx in enumerate(idxs):
                        visibleArr = np.full((2*df.index.shape[0],), 
                                             False, dtype=bool)       # 2x number of booleans since one/two vals are separate plots
                        visibleArr[2*i] = True                        # Set two booleans next to each other (representing one & two) to true
                        visibleArr[(2*i)+1] = True
                                            args=[{'visible': list(visibleArr)}]))    # 'Visible' arg determines which plots are shown 
                                                                                      # depending on which dropdown is selected 
                    return buttons
                # Create traces
                traces = []
                for i in range(df.Time.shape[0]):
                    rowData = df.iloc[i, :]
                    time = rowData.Time
                    one = rowData.one
                    two = rowData.two
                    traces.append(go.Bar(x=[time], y=[one], name='One'))
                    traces.append(go.Bar(x=[time], y=[two], name='Two'))
                # Create figure
                fig = go.Figure(data=traces)
                # Add dropdown options
                            pad={"r": 10, "t": 10},
                # Add annotation for index selected
                        dict(text="Index:", showarrow=False,
                        x=0, y=1.15, yref="paper", align="left")
                    xaxis_title = 'Time',
                    yaxis_title = 'Value',
                # Show the plot

                Here is a sample plot:

                BONUS: If you think this method is tedious, and a slider bar would do the job just fine, Plotly supports animation of bar charts. Here is the following code you could use:

                fig = px.bar(df, x='Time', y=['one','two'], animation_frame=df.index)
                fig.update_layout(title='Data', barmode='group')

                Here is the resulting plot:

                这篇关于在 plotly 中添加索引作为下拉菜单的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:为特定的 x 轴刻度设置不同的字体颜色 下一篇:Plotly:如何设置y轴的范围?


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