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      1. pandas:如何使用多索引运行数据透视?


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                  我想在 pandas DataFrame 上运行一个支点,索引是两列,而不是一列.例如,一个字段用于年份,一个用于月份,一个item"字段显示item 1"和item 2",以及一个带有数值的value"字段.我希望索引为年 + 月.

                  I would like to run a pivot on a pandas DataFrame, with the index being two columns, not one. For example, one field for the year, one for the month, an 'item' field which shows 'item 1' and 'item 2' and a 'value' field with numerical values. I want the index to be year + month.


                  The only way I managed to get this to work was to combine the two fields into one, then separate them again. is there a better way?


                  Minimal code copied below. Thanks a lot!

                  PS 是的,我知道关键字pivot"和multi-index"还有其他问题,但我不明白他们是否/如何帮助我解决这个问题.

                  PS Yes, I am aware there are other questions with the keywords 'pivot' and 'multi-index', but I did not understand if/how they can help me with this question.

                  import pandas as pd
                  import numpy as np
                  df= pd.DataFrame()
                  month = np.arange(1, 13)
                  values1 = np.random.randint(0, 100, 12)
                  values2 = np.random.randint(200, 300, 12)
                  df['month'] = np.hstack((month, month))
                  df['year'] = 2004
                  df['value'] = np.hstack((values1, values2))
                  df['item'] = np.hstack((np.repeat('item 1', 12), np.repeat('item 2', 12)))
                  # This doesn't work: 
                  # ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 24, placement implies 2
                  # mypiv = df.pivot(['year', 'month'], 'item', 'value')
                  # This doesn't work, either:
                  # df.set_index(['year', 'month'], inplace=True)
                  # ValueError: cannot label index with a null key
                  # mypiv = df.pivot(columns='item', values='value')
                  # This below works but is not ideal: 
                  # I have to first concatenate then separate the fields I need
                  df['new field'] = df['year'] * 100 + df['month']
                  mypiv = df.pivot('new field', 'item', 'value').reset_index()
                  mypiv['year'] = mypiv['new field'].apply( lambda x: int(x) / 100)  
                  mypiv['month'] = mypiv['new field'] % 100



                  You can group and then unstack.

                  >>> df.groupby(['year', 'month', 'item'])['value'].sum().unstack('item')
                  item        item 1  item 2
                  year month                
                  2004 1          33     250
                       2          44     224
                       3          41     268
                       4          29     232
                       5          57     252
                       6          61     255
                       7          28     254
                       8          15     229
                       9          29     258
                       10         49     207
                       11         36     254
                       12         23     209


                  >>> df.pivot_table(
                          index=['year', 'month'], 
                  item        item 1  item 2
                  year month                
                  2004 1          33     250
                       2          44     224
                       3          41     268
                       4          29     232
                       5          57     252
                       6          61     255
                       7          28     254
                       8          15     229
                       9          29     258
                       10         49     207
                       11         36     254
                       12         23     209


                  上一篇:pandas :pivot 和 pivot_table 之间的区别.为什么只有 pivot_table 工作? 下一篇:如何传递 argparse 参数以充当 kwargs?


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