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        是否有任何用于 Python 的 GPS 库?


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                  本文介绍了是否有任何用于 Python 的 GPS 库?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在寻找可以处理 GPS 坐标的 Python 库.假设,我有一个坐标列表:

                  I am looking for Python library, which can work with GPS coordinates. Let's say, I have a list of coordinates:

                  >>> gps = [
                  ...  (53.25012925, 6.24479338, 349.9, '2011-08-20T09:35:00Z'),
                  ...  (53.25028285, -6.24441800, 359.9, '2011-08-20T09:35:30Z'),
                  ...  (53.25049500, -6.24266032, 395.9, '2011-08-20T09:36:00Z'),
                  ...  # and so on...
                  ... ]


                  I would like to compute average speed, distance, get the higest point, and other info. I know, it is quite simple to compute it, but I am wondering if there is any existing code (I do not like to reinvent the wheel).

                  注意:stackoverflow 中有类似的问题(Which gps library你会推荐python吗?),但它是关于GPSD的.我没有使用任何设备,我只是在文本文件中有 GPS 坐标.

                  Note: There is similar question here in stackoverflow (Which gps library would you recommend for python?), but it is about GPSD. I am not working with any device, I just have GPS coordinates in text file.


                  我发现了一个有趣的库,名为 地理位置.它可以计算两个 GPS 点之间的距离(它使用大圆距离和文森特距离方法).最重要的是,geopy 可以进行地理编码(它可以从一个地址获取 GPS 坐标).

                  I have found an interesting library named geopy. It can calculate distances between two GPS points (it uses great-circle distance and Vincenty distance methods). On top of that, geopy can do geocoding (it can get GPS coordinates from an address).


                  The other features (average speed, higest point, etc.) I can hack by myself.

                  这篇关于是否有任何用于 Python 的 GPS 库?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:计算时间有序坐标之间的距离和速度 下一篇:从十六进制数据转换回纬度 GREENTEL


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