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                • 本文介绍了如果新文件不存在则写入新文件,如果存在则追加到文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个程序将用户的 highscore 写入文本文件.该文件由用户在选择 playername 时命名.

                  I have a program which writes a user's highscore to a text file. The file is named by the user when they choose a playername.

                  如果具有该特定用户名的文件已经存在,则程序应附加到该文件(以便您可以看到多个 highscore).如果不存在具有该用户名的文件(例如,如果用户是新用户),它应该创建一个新文件并写入它.

                  If the file with that specific username already exists, then the program should append to the file (so that you can see more than one highscore). And if a file with that username doesn't exist (for example, if the user is new), it should create a new file and write to it.


                  Here's the relevant, so far not working, code:

                      with open(player): #player is the varible storing the username input
                          with open(player, 'a') as highscore:
                              highscore.write("Username:", player)
                  except IOError:
                      with open(player + ".txt", 'w') as highscore:
                          highscore.write("Username:", player)


                  The above code creates a new file if it doesn't exist, and writes to it. If it exists, nothing has been appended when I check the file, and I get no errors.



                  It's not clear to me exactly where the high-score that you're interested in is stored, but the code below should be what you need to check if the file exists and append to it if desired. I prefer this method to the "try/except".

                  import os
                  player = 'bob'
                  filename = player+'.txt'
                  if os.path.exists(filename):
                      append_write = 'a' # append if already exists
                      append_write = 'w' # make a new file if not
                  highscore = open(filename,append_write)
                  highscore.write("Username: " + player + '


                  上一篇:Python JSON转储/附加到.txt,每个变量都在新行 下一篇:我可以在 Python 中使用前置元素而不是附加来扩展列表吗?


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