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      3. 链接 ipython 小部件按钮和滑块值

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                  本文介绍了链接 ipython 小部件按钮和滑块值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



                  I'm trying to figure out how to link the value of a counter controlled by button widgets to the value of a slider widget.

                  这里的目标是使用 ipython 小部件创建一个简单的类似 vcr"的界面,其中包含三个小部件:一个 IntSlider 和两个递增计数器和递减的 Button一个柜台.这就是我所拥有的:

                  The goal here is use ipython widgets to create a simple "vcr-like" interface with three widgets: an IntSlider and two Buttons that increment a counter and decrement a counter. This is what I've got:

                  import ipywidgets as widgets
                  from functools import partial
                  from IPython.display import display
                  import traitlets
                  class Counter:
                     def __init__(self, initial=0):
                        self.value = initial
                     def increment(self, amount=1):
                        self.value += amount
                        return self.value
                  def button_plus(counter, w):
                  def button_minus(counter, w):
                  counter = Counter()
                  # 1 step forward button
                  wplus = widgets.Button(description='>')
                  wplus.on_click(partial(button_plus, counter))
                  # 1 step backward button
                  wminus = widgets.Button(description='<')
                  wminus.on_click(partial(button_minus, counter))
                  # integer slider
                  wpick = widgets.IntSlider(value=0,min=0,max=10,step=1,description="time step")
                  display(wminus, wpick, wplus)

                  这是一个屏幕截图,我将 IntSlider 移动到 1 并在增量按钮上单击了两次:

                  and here's a screen grab where I've moved the IntSlider to 1 and clicked twice on the increment button:

                  我显然希望有一个整数值由所有 3 个小部件控制并与之同步.

                  I'd obviously like there to be a single integer value being controlled by and be in sync with all 3 widgets.

                  我阅读了 widget 链接,但我看不到如何执行此操作,因为我的按钮小部件没有值 - 计数器对象具有我想要链接的值.

                  I read about widget linking but I don't see how to do this since my button widgets don't have a value -- the counter object has the value I want to link.


                  l = traitlets.link((counter, 'value'), (wpick, 'value'))

                  因为 counter 不是 HasTraits.

                  如何将 counter.value 链接到 wpick.value 以便单击其中一个按钮将调整滑块上的 int?

                  How can I get counter.value to be linked to wpick.value so that clicking on one of the buttons will adjust the int on the slider?


                  如下this 指南,您需要 Counter 类从 DOMWidget 类继承,如下所示:

                  Following this guide, you need the Counter class to inheret from the DOMWidget class like this:

                  from traitlets import CInt, link
                  class Counter(widgets.DOMWidget):
                      value = CInt(0, sync=True)

                  然后您可以定义您的 counter 小部件和按钮回调方法:

                  You can then define your counter widget and button callback methods:

                  counter = Counter()
                  def button_plus(name):
                      counter.value += 1 if counter.value < 10 else 0
                  def button_minus(name):
                      counter.value -= 1 if counter.value > 0 else 0

                  链接 slidercounter 小部件:

                  link the slider and counter widgets:

                  link((wpick, 'value'), (counter, 'value'))




                  Clicking the buttons will now in/decrease the value of the counter.

                  这篇关于链接 ipython 小部件按钮和滑块值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Tkinter 全局绑定 下一篇:有没有办法在 Python 中创建无边框透明窗口?


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