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      3. Python字符串作为子进程的文件参数


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                  我正在尝试将文件传递给我作为 Python 子进程启动的程序 (MolPro).

                  I am trying to pass a file to a program (MolPro) that I start as subprocess with Python.


                  It most commonly takes a file as argument, like this in console:

                  path/molpro filename.ext

                  其中 filename.ex 包含要执行的代码.或者一个 bash 脚本(我正在尝试做的,但是在 Python 中):

                  Where filename.ex contains the code to execute. Alternatively a bash script (what I'm trying to do but in Python):

                  #!/usr/bin/env bash
                  path/molpro << EOF
                      # MolPro code

                  我正在尝试在 Python 中执行上述操作.我试过这个:

                  I'm trying to do the above in Python. I have tried this:

                  from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT, PIPE
                  DEVNULL = open('/dev/null', 'w')  # I'm using Python 2 so I can't use subprocess.DEVNULL
                  StdinCommand = '''
                      MolPro code
                  # Method 1 (stdout will be a file)
                  Popen(['path/molpro', StdinCommand], shell = False, stdout = None, stderr = STDOUT, stdin = DEVNULL)
                  # ERROR: more than 1 input file not allowed
                  # Method 2
                  p = Popen(['path/molpro', StdinCommand], shell = False, stdout = None, stderr = STDOUT, stdin = PIPE)
                  p.communicate(input = StdinCommand)
                  # ERROR: more than 1 input file not allowed

                  所以我很确定输入看起来不够像文件,但即使查看 Python - 如何将字符串传递给 subprocess.Popen(使用 stdin 参数)? 我找不到我在做什么错了.

                  So I am pretty sure the input doesn't look enough like a file, but even looking at Python - How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)? I can't find what Im doing wrong.


                  • 将字符串写入实际文件
                  • 将 shell 设置为 True
                  • (而且我无法更改 MolPro 代码)


                  更新:如果有人试图做同样的事情,如果你不想等待工作完成(因为它不会返回任何东西,无论哪种方式),使用 p.改为 stdin.write(StdinCommand).


                  如果您从 Popen() 参数中删除 StdinCommand,您的第二种方法似乎应该有效:

                  It seems like your second method should work if you remove StdinCommand from the Popen() arguments:

                  p = Popen(['/vol/thchem/x86_64-linux/bin/molpro'], shell = False, stdout = None, stderr = STDOUT, stdin = PIPE)
                  p.communicate(input = StdinCommand)


                  上一篇:子进程Popen和通信后关闭所有文件的正确方法 下一篇:通过python子进程的ffmpeg无法找到相机


                  <i id='wwsCw'><tr id='wwsCw'><dt id='wwsCw'><q id='wwsCw'><span id='wwsCw'><b id='wwsCw'><form id='wwsCw'><ins id='wwsCw'></ins><ul id='wwsCw'></ul><sub id='wwsCw'></sub></form><legend id='wwsCw'></legend><bdo id='wwsCw'><pre id='wwsCw'><center id='wwsCw'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='wwsCw'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='wwsCw'><tfoot id='wwsCw'></tfoot><dl id='wwsCw'><fieldset id='wwsCw'></fieldset></dl></div>

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