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              • 本文介绍了RegExp:删除字符串中可以包含其他句点的最后一个句点(挖掘输出)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我正在尝试解析 linux dig 命令的输出并执行几个用正则表达式一次性完成.

                I am trying to parse the output of the linux dig command and do several things on one shot with regular expressions.


                /usr/bin/dig +nocomments +noquestion 
                    +noauthority +noadditional +nostats +nocmd 
                    mail.yahoo.com A


                mail.yahoo.com.                   0  IN  CNAME  login.yahoo.com.
                login.yahoo.com.                  0  IN  CNAME  ats.login.lgg1.b.yahoo.com.
                ats.login.lgg1.b.yahoo.com.       0  IN  CNAME  ats.member.g02.yahoodns.net.
                ats.member.g02.yahoodns.net.      0  IN  CNAME  any-ats.member.a02.yahoodns.net.
                any-ats.member.a02.yahoodns.net. 12  IN  A

                我想要找到所有 <host><record_type><resolved_name> 部分最后一段只使用一个正则表达式

                What I'd like to is finding all the <host>, <record_type> and <resolved_name> parts without the final period using only one regular expression

                对于这个带有 mail.yahoo.com 的特定示例,应该是:

                For this particular example with mail.yahoo.com, it'd be:

                    ('mail.yahoo.com', 'CNAME', 'login.yahoo.com'),
                    ('login.yahoo.com', 'CNAME', 'ats.login.lgg1.b.yahoo.com'),
                    ('ats.login.lgg1.b.yahoo.com', 'CNAME', 'ats.member.g02.yahoodns.net'),
                    ('ats.member.g02.yahoodns.net', 'CNAME', 'any-ats.member.a02.yahoodns.net'),
                    ('any-ats.member.a02.yahoodns.net', 'A', ''),

                但事实证明,dig 命令可能会在名称末尾显示一个句点:

                But it turns out that the dig command might be showing a period at the end of the name:

                        ^     ^   ^
                        |     |   |
                  Good dot    |   |
                              |   |
                        Good dot  |
                           (!) Baaaad dot

                使用正则表达式拆分 dig 的输出并返回带有最后一个句点的名称非常简单:

                Doing a regular expression that splits dig's output and returns the name with the final period is fairly straightforward:

                regex = re.compile("^(S+).+INs+([A-Z]+)s+(S+).*s*$",re.MULTILINE)

                但是使用该正则表达式调用 .findall 确实会返回主机中的最后一个句点,因为 S+ 也会匹配最后一个句点:

                But calling .findall with that regex does return the final period in the host, because S+ will match the last period as well:

                    ('mail.yahoo.com.', 'CNAME', 'login.yahoo.com.'),
                    ('login.yahoo.com.', 'CNAME', 'ats.login.lgg1.b.yahoo.com.'),
                    ('ats.login.lgg1.b.yahoo.com.', 'CNAME', 'ats.member.g02.yahoodns.net.'),
                    ('ats.member.g02.yahoodns.net.', 'CNAME', 'any-ats.member.a02.yahoodns.net.'),
                    ('any-ats.member.a02.yahoodns.net.', 'A', ''),

                所以我需要 something 匹配所有非空格 S 除非它是一个句点后跟一个空格.

                So I'd need something that matches all non-spaces S except if it's a period followed by a whitespace.


                I've done endless tries, and I haven't been able to come up with a decent solution.



                PS: I know I can always use the "easy" regular expression and (on a second pass) remove the last dot of the found string, but I'm curious about whether this can be done with a regular expression in one shot.



                You can use this pattern with multiline modifier:

                ^([^ ]+)(?<!.).?[ ]+[0-9]+[ ]+IN[ ]+([^ ]+)[ ]+(.+(?<!.)).?$

                存储在 $1 $2 和 $3 中的组

                Groups stored in $1 $2 and $3



                ^([^ 	]+)(?<!.).?[ 	]+[0-9]+[ 	]+IN[ 	]+([^ 	]+)[ 	]+(.+(?<!.)).?$


                上一篇:Python Pandas 数据框查找缺失值 下一篇:查找带有子进程的命令不适用于 Shell=True


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