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        基于 if-else 条件和查找创建新的 pandas 数据框列

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                  本文介绍了基于 if-else 条件和查找创建新的 pandas 数据框列的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个 pandas 数据框,我需要根据 if-else 条件创建一个新列.这个问题已经在这里多次出现(例如,Creating基于 if-elif-else 条件的新列).

                  I have a pandas dataframe and I need to create a new column based on an if-else condition. This question already came up here multiple times (e.g., Creating a new column based on if-elif-else condition).


                  However, I cannot apply the proposed solution, since I also need to look up values in a list in order to check the condition. I cannot do this with the proposed solution, because I am not sure how I can access my lookup-list in the external function. My lookup-list would need to be global, which I want to avoid. I have the feeling there should be a better way to do this.




                  I also have a list which contains lookup values:

                  lookup = [C,D]

                  现在,我想在我的数据框中创建一个新列,其中包含 1 如果相应的值包含在 lookup0 如果这些值不在 lookup 中.

                  Now, I want to create a new column in my dataframe which contains 1 if the respective value is contained in lookup and 0 if the values is not in lookup.


                  df.apply(helper, axis=1)
                  def helper(row):
                       row['result'] = 1
                       row['result'] = 0

                  但是,我不知道如何在 helper() 中访问 lookup 而不使其成为全局对象.

                  However, I do not know how I can access lookup in helper() without making it global.


                  letters    result
                  A          0
                  B          0
                  C          1
                  D          1
                  E          0
                  F          0



                  Although this question is very similar to the question: How to use pandas apply function on all columns of some rows of data frame

                  我认为这里值得展示几个方法,在一行中使用 np.where 和从 isinisin 将返回一个布尔系列,其中任何行都包含列表中的任何匹配项:

                  I think here it's worth showing a couple methods, on a single line using np.where with a boolean mask generated from isin, isin will return a boolean Series where any rows contain any matches in your list:

                  In [71]:
                  lookup = ['C','D']
                  df['result'] = np.where(df['letters'].isin(lookup), 1, 0)
                    letters  result
                  0       A       0
                  1       B       0
                  2       C       1
                  3       D       1
                  4       E       0
                  5       F       0

                  这里使用 2 个 loc 语句并使用 ~ 反转掩码:

                  here using 2 loc statements and using ~ to invert the mask:

                  In [72]:
                  df.loc[df['letters'].isin(lookup),'result'] = 1
                  df.loc[~df['letters'].isin(lookup),'result'] = 0
                    letters  result
                  0       A       0
                  1       B       0
                  2       C       1
                  3       D       1
                  4       E       0
                  5       F       0

                  这篇关于基于 if-else 条件和查找创建新的 pandas 数据框列的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何将条件约束应用于 Python Pulp 函数 下一篇:if else 不检查 Python 中的两个条件


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