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      3. Numpy:按多个条件过滤行?


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                  我有一个名为 meta 的二维 numpy 数组,它有 3 列.我想要做的是:

                  I have a two-dimensional numpy array called meta with 3 columns.. what I want to do is :

                  1. 检查前两列是否为零
                  2. 检查第三列是否小于 X
                  3. 只返回符合条件的行


                  I made it work, but the solution seem very contrived :

                  meta[ np.logical_and( np.all( meta[:,0:2] == [0,0],axis=1 ) , meta[:,2] < 20) ]


                  Could you think of cleaner way ? It seem hard to have multiple conditions at once ;(



                  Sorry first time I copied the wrong expression... corrected.



                  you can use multiple filters in a slice, something like this:

                  x = np.arange(90.).reshape(30, 3)
                  #set the first 10 rows of cols 1,2 to be zero
                  x[0:10, 0:2] = 0.0
                  x[(x[:,0] == 0.) & (x[:,1] == 0.) & (x[:,2] > 10)]
                  #should give only a few rows
                  array([[  0.,   0.,  11.],
                         [  0.,   0.,  14.],
                         [  0.,   0.,  17.],
                         [  0.,   0.,  20.],
                         [  0.,   0.,  23.],
                         [  0.,   0.,  26.],
                         [  0.,   0.,  29.]])


                  上一篇:pandas 数据框条件 .mean() 取决于特定列中的值 下一篇:Python3有条件地装饰?


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