使用 Python 2.7.5、python 模块 selenium (2.41.0) 和 chromedriver (2.9).
Using Python 2.7.5, python module selenium (2.41.0) and chromedriver (2.9).
Chrome 启动时会在黄色弹出栏中显示一条消息:您正在使用不受支持的命令行标志:--ignore-certificate-errors.稳定性和安全性将受到影响."这个简单的例子重现了这个问题.
When Chrome starts it displays a message in a yellow popup bar: "You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certificate-errors. Stability and security will suffer." This simple example reproduces the problem.
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
如何在 python selenium 中删除这个命令行标志?
How do I remove this command-line flag in python selenium?
此问题已解决 Chromedriver 2.11(2014 年 10 月发布).现在更新就可以解决问题了.
This issue is resolved as of Chromedriver 2.11 (released Oct 2014). Updating will now do the trick.