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      1. 更改 tkinter 列表框中的项目顺序


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                • 本文介绍了更改 tkinter 列表框中的项目顺序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  有没有比删除特定键的值然后重新输入新信息更简单的方法来更改 tkinter 列表框中的项目顺序?

                  Is there an easier way to change the order of items in a tkinter listbox than deleting the values for specific key, then re-entering new info?


                  For example, I want to be able to re-arrange items in a listbox. If I want to swap the position of two, this is what I've done. It works, but I just want to see if there's a quicker way to do this.

                  def moveup(self,selection):
                      value1 = int(selection[0]) - 1 #value to be moved down one position
                      value2 = selection #value to be moved up one position
                      nameAbove = self.fileListSorted.get(value1) #name to be moved down
                      nameBelow = self.fileListSorted.get(value2) #name to be moved up


                  有没有比删除特定键的值然后重新输入新信息更简单的方法来更改 tkinter 列表框中的项目顺序?

                  Is there an easier way to change the order of items in a tkinter listbox than deleting the values for specific key, then re-entering new info?


                  No. Deleting and re-inserting is the only way. If you just want to move a single item up by one you can do it with only one delete and insert, though.

                  def move_up(self, pos):
                      """ Moves the item at position pos up by one """
                      if pos == 0:
                      text = self.fileListSorted.get(pos)
                      self.fileListSorted.insert(pos-1, text)

                  这篇关于更改 tkinter 列表框中的项目顺序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何使 Tkinter 列表框适合内容 下一篇:将按钮插入到 python 上的 tkinter 列表框中?


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