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      1. 使用 Python 根据直方图调整曝光(亮度/对比度)

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                • 本文介绍了使用 Python 根据直方图调整曝光(亮度/对比度)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试用 Python 制作一个带有 GUI(很可能使用 Kivy)的程序,以匹配两个图像的曝光.我想将两个图像(RGB 或灰度)与其相应的直方图并排显示,并有一个滑块来控制所选图像的曝光.我想就如何解决这个问题提出一些建议.

                  I'm trying to make a program with a GUI (most likely using Kivy) in Python to match the exposure of two images. I want to display both images (RGB or grayscale) side by side with their corresponding histograms and have a slider to be able to control the exposure on the selected image. I would like some advise on how to go about this.

                  到目前为止,我已经阅读了几篇文章,似乎有几种方法可以计算图像的直方图(numpy、matplotlib、openCV 和 PIL),但是我对哪种方法最好(最少库/要安装的依赖项)供我实施.我还阅读了有关更改图像曝光的内容,有些人提到更改亮度和对比度,所以您需要同时更改两者以更改曝光?我知道openCV有equalizeHist,但它会自动完成,我希望两张图像都尽可能接近整体曝光;这就是为什么我正在考虑手动执行此操作.如果能自动完成就好了,不过我还在想怎么做.

                  So far I have read several posts and there seem to be several ways to approach calculating the histogram of an image (numpy, matplotlib, openCV, and PIL), however I'm confused about which would be best (least libraries/dependencies to install) for me to implement. I have also read about changing the exposure on an image and some people mention changing brightness and contrast, so you need to change both to change exposure? I know openCV has equalizeHist but that does it automatically and what I would like is for both images to have as close as possible overall exposure; that's why I was thinking of doing it manually. It would be great if could do it automatically, but I'm still thinking on how to do it.


                  I know you guys place tremendous value on your time so I'll understand if you don't have time to answer this in depth.


                  我们有一个直方图调整的例子 这里

                  We have an example of histogram adjustment here


                  It sounds as though you are interested in histogram matching, though. I have some code for that purpose here, but it is not well tested.

                  如果您确实发现该代码有用,请随时向 scikit-image 提出拉取请求,我们可以尝试将其集成到包中.

                  If you do find that code useful, feel free to make a pull request to scikit-image and we can try to integrate it into the package.

                  编辑 2019-04-29: 直方图匹配是 现在包含在 scikit-image 中.

                  这篇关于使用 Python 根据直方图调整曝光(亮度/对比度)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:具有动态网格布局的 Kivy 模板 下一篇:Kivy 和 Matplotlib 试图更新按钮回调的情节


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