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      2. 在 Kivy 中将图像对象作为按钮背景传递


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                • 本文介绍了在 Kivy 中将图像对象作为按钮背景传递的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  在 Kivy 中,有没有办法将图像对象作为按钮背景传递,而不是图像文件名?

                  In Kivy, is there a way to pass image object as a button background, instead of image file name?

                  button.background_normal 属性只接受字符串.我想自定义图像属性,例如 allow_stretch = False.

                  button.background_normal property accepts only strings. I would like to customize image properties, such as allow_stretch = False.


                  If that succeeds, how can I specify image alignment inside a button, eg. to make it top-left aligned?


                  source 只是 Button 的一个属性,正如你所指出的,它是一个字符串.你想要一个 Widget 里面有一个 Widget,这就是 Kivy 工作的基本方式.所以只需按原样添加图像.一点定位就可以完成剩下的工作.

                  The source is just a property of Button and it is a string as you pointed out. You want a Widget inside a Widget, and that is the basic way Kivy works. So just add the Image as it is. A little bit of positioning would do the rest.

                  你必须小心定位.确保它位于可见部分并且没有任何东西覆盖它.我在按钮后使用标签,因为它具有透明颜色,因此您可以尝试使用它.例如,如果您的定位错误(尝试 x:0 y:0),您可以看到按钮转到标签区域的左下角.

                  You have to be careful with the positioning. Make sure it is in a visible part and nothing covers it. I use a Label after the button because it has transparent Color so you can experimenting with it. For example if your positioning is wrong (try x:0 y:0) you can see the button going to the bottom-left corner in the label area.

                  我使用的图片是 Kivy 标志:

                  from kivy.app import App
                  from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
                  from kivy.lang import Builder
                      orientation: "vertical"
                          text: "B1"
                              source: 'kivy.png'
                              y: self.parent.y + self.parent.height - 250
                              x: self.parent.x
                              size: 250, 250
                              allow_stretch: True
                          text: "A label"
                  class ButtonsApp(App, BoxLayout):
                      def build(self):
                          return self
                  if __name__ == "__main__":

                  这篇关于在 Kivy 中将图像对象作为按钮背景传递的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:Python/Kivy:从一个类调用函数到另一个类并在 Python 中显示小部件 下一篇:切换 kivy 小部件


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