如何使用 Selenium 和 Python 绕过 Google 验证码?
How can I bypass the Google CAPTCHA using Selenium and Python?
当我尝试抓取某些内容时,Google 会给我一个验证码.我可以使用 Selenium Python 绕过 Google 验证码吗?
When I try to scrape something, Google give me a CAPTCHA. Can I bypass the Google CAPTCHA with Selenium Python?
例如,它是 Google reCAPTCHA.您可以通过以下链接查看此验证码:https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/演示
As an example, it's Google reCAPTCHA. You can see this CAPTCHA via this link: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo
开始使用 Selenium 的 Python 客户端,你应该避免解决/绕过 Google 验证码.
To start with using Selenium's Python clients, you should avoid solving/bypass Google CAPTCHA.
Selenium 使浏览器自动化.现在,您想用这种能力实现什么完全取决于个人,但主要是为了通过浏览器客户端自动化 Web 应用程序以进行测试,当然不限于此.
Selenium automates browsers. Now, what you want to achieve with that power is entirely up to individuals, but primarily it is for automating web applications through browser clients for testing purposes and of coarse it is certainly not limited to that.
另一方面,CAPTCHA(缩写为 ...完全自动化用于区分计算机和人类的公共图灵测试...)是一种用于计算以确定用户是否是人类的挑战-响应测试.
On the other hand, CAPTCHA (the acronym being ...Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart...) is a type of challenge–response test used in computing to determine if the user is human.
因此,Selenium 和 CAPTCHA 服务于两个完全不同的目的,理想情况下不应该用于完成任何相互关联的任务.
So, Selenium and CAPTCHA serves two completely different purposes and ideally shouldn't be used to achieve any interrelated tasks.
话虽如此,reCAPTCHA 可以轻松检测网络流量并将您的程序识别为 Selenium 驱动 bot.
Having said that, reCAPTCHA can easily detect the network traffic and identify your program as a Selenium driven bot.
However, there are some generic approaches to avoid getting detected while web scraping:
time.sleep(secs)代码>.在这里您可以找到关于如何的详细讨论在 Python 中休眠 Selenium WebDriver 几毫秒
. Here you can find a detailed discussion on How to sleep Selenium WebDriver in Python for milliseconds但是,在几个用例中,我们能够与 reCAPTCHA 进行交互使用 Selenium,您可以在以下讨论中找到更多详细信息:
However, in a couple of use cases we were able to interact with the reCAPTCHA using Selenium and you can find more details in the following discussions:
You can find a couple of related discussion in:
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