python v.3.7.4 上最新版本的 virtualenv (16.7.2) 为activate.ps1"增加了 4 行.脚本,在 Windows10 powerhsell 上运行时会出现错误:You must 'source' this script: PS>..ENVScriptsactivate
我该如何解决?(请注意,我已经阅读并完成了其他论坛问题以及与 windows 和 powershell 相关的 virtualenv 手册中提到的所有内容.)
Newest version of virtualenv (16.7.2) on python v.3.7.4 has 4 additional lines for the "activate.ps1" script, which when run on Windows10 powerhsell gives the error: You must 'source' this script: PS> . .ENVScriptsactivate
How do I fix this? (please note that I have read and done all that was mentioned on the other forum questions as well as the manual for virtualenv related to windows and powershell.)
我已将执行策略设置为 RemoteSigned(按照其他论坛的建议):
I have set the execution policy to RemoteSigned (as recommended in other forums):
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List
Scope ExecutionPolicy
----- ---------------
MachinePolicy Undefined
UserPolicy Undefined
Process Undefined
CurrentUser Undefined
LocalMachine RemoteSigned
当我想激活 virtualenv 时,我运行 .ENVScriptsactivate
When I want to activate virtualenv, I run .ENVScriptsactivate
问题在于创建新虚拟环境时由 virtualenv 自动生成的 activate.ps1 脚本的第 3 到 6 行:
The problem is with lines 3 to 6 of the activate.ps1 script that is auto generated by virtualenv when you make a new virtual environment:
if (@($null,"Internal") -notcontains $myinvocation.commandorigin) {
Write-Host -Foreground red "You must 'source' this script: PS> . $($myinvocation.invocationname)"
exit 33
似乎 $myinvocation.commandorigin
设置为 Runspace 而不是 Internal
It seems that $myinvocation.commandorigin
is set to Runspace instead of Internal
我该如何解决这个问题?有任何想法吗?谢谢 :)))请注意,我不想手动调整每个自动生成 activate.ps1
How do I fix this? Any ideas? Thanks :)))
Note that I don't want to manually adjust every auto-gen activate.ps1
Let's have a look at that error message:
Hmmmm... - PS>
Hmmmm... - PS>
is probably just the prompt, which leaves us with this:
. .ENVScriptsactivate
# ^
# |
# Check out this guy
,也就是powershell中的dot-source operator.
That, the lonely .
in front of the path, that is the dot-source operator in powershell.
根据 文档,它:
Runs a script in the current scope so that any functions, aliases, and variables that the script creates are added to the current scope.
我没有看过 virtualenv
I haven't had a look at virtualenv
, but I assume it'll want to define a number of variables and to ensure that these persist after the script has run, it needs to be run in the current scope.
所以这是你必须运行的 literal 命令来修复它:
So this is the literal command you have to run to fix it:
. .ENVScriptsactivate
这篇关于virtualenv v16.7.2 powershell activate 脚本:"你必须'source'这个脚本:PS>..ENVScriptsactivate"错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!