Python ElementTree 默认命名空间?

本文介绍了Python ElementTree 默认命名空间?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!



有没有办法在 python ElementTree 中定义默认/无前缀命名空间?这似乎不起作用...

Is there a way to define the default/unprefixed namespace in python ElementTree? This doesn't seem to work...

ns = {"":""}
pom = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse("pom.xml")
print(pom.findall("version", ns))


ns = {None:""}
pom = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse("pom.xml")
print(pom.findall("version", ns))


This does, but then I have to prefix every element:

ns = {"mvn":""}
pom = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse("pom.xml")
print(pom.findall("mvn:version", ns))

在 OSX 上使用 Python 3.5.

Using Python 3.5 on OSX.

如果答案是否",您仍然可以获得赏金 :-).我只是想从一个花了很多时间使用它的人那里得到一个明确的不".

if the answer is "no", you can still get the bounty :-). I just want a definitive "no" from someone who's spent a lot of time using it.


注意:对于 Python 3.8+,请参阅 这个答案.

NOTE: for Python 3.8+ please see this answer.


There is no straight-forward way to handle the default namespaces transparently. Assigning the empty namespace a non-empty name is a common solution, as you've already mentioned:

ns = {"mvn":""}
pom = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse("pom.xml")
print(pom.findall("mvn:version", ns))

请注意,lxml.etree 不允许显式使用空命名空间.你会得到:

Note that lxml.etree does not allow the use of empty namespaces explicitly. You would get:

ValueError:ElementPath 中不支持空的命名空间前缀

ValueError: empty namespace prefix is not supported in ElementPath

您可以通过 在加载 XML 输入数据时删除默认命名空间定义:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re
with open("pom.xml") as f:
    xmlstring =
# Remove the default namespace definition (xmlns="http://some/namespace")
xmlstring = re.sub(r'sxmlns="[^"]+"', '', xmlstring, count=1)
pom = ET.fromstring(xmlstring) 

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上一篇:lxml:将命名空间添加到输入文件 下一篇:如何找到“进口名称"Python中的任何包?
