仅在满足条件时才启动 discord.py 命令冷却

本文介绍了仅在满足条件时才启动 discord.py 命令冷却的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!




I want the cooldown of one of my commands to start only if a condition in the function is met, like so:

async def move(ctx, destination):
    destinations=["d1", "d2", "d3"] # List of valid arguments for the command
    if destination in destinations:
        movement(destination) # Function to actually move, not important for the question
        # Start cooldown only here
        await ctx.send("This is not a valid destination")


This way, if the user mistypes the destination, they won't be penalized with the cooldown. How can i achieve that?

通常会使用 discord.py 的内置 @commands.cooldown 装饰器,这里是源代码:

one would normally use discord.py's built-in @commands.cooldown decorator, here is the source:

def cooldown(rate, per, type=BucketType.default):
    def decorator(func):
        if isinstance(func, Command):
            func._buckets = CooldownMapping(Cooldown(rate, per, type))
            func.__commands_cooldown__ = Cooldown(rate, per, type)
        return func
    return decorator

但这适用于整个命令.(它通常放在@bot.command 装饰器之后)

However this applies to the whole command.(It is normally placed after the @bot.command decorator)



There could be a lots of ways to craft your own cooldowns, here is a simple one that can do the trick. The idea behind it is for the bot to "remember" the last time someone used this specific command and to check this time before allowing the player to move.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta    

on_cooldown = {} # Dictionary with user IDs as keys and datetime as values
destinations=["d1", "d2", "d3"] # List of valid arguments for the command
move_cooldown = 5 # cooldown of the move command in seconds

async def move(ctx, destination):

    if destination in destinations:
        author = ctx.author.id

            # calculate the amount of time since the last (successful) use of the command
            last_move = datetime.now() - on_cooldown[author] 
        except KeyError:
            # the key doesn't exist, the player used the command for the first time
            # or the bot has been shut down since
            last_move = None
            on_cooldown[author] = datetime.now()

        if last_move is None or last_move.seconds > move_cooldown:
            # move(...)
            on_cooldown[author] = datetime.now() # the player successfully moved so we start his cooldown again
            await ctx.send("You moved!")
            await ctx.send("You're still on cooldown.")    

        await ctx.send("This is not a valid destination")

注意:您可能需要也可能不需要删除 @bot.command 装饰器后的括号.

Note : you may or may not need to remove the parentheses after the @bot.command decorator.

这篇关于仅在满足条件时才启动 discord.py 命令冷却的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:Python - 是否可以在 Discord.py-v1.0 中等待一个事件或另一个事件? 下一篇:如何制作不和谐的机器人循环音频?[不和谐.py]
