存储和访问节点属性 python networkx

本文介绍了存储和访问节点属性 python networkx的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个使用 python networkx 创建的节点网络.我想在节点中存储信息,以便以后可以根据节点标签(节点的名称)和存储信息的字段(如节点属性)访问信息.存储的信息可以是字符串或数字我希望这样做的方式是,如果 xyz 是一个节点:

然后我想保存两个或三个具有字符串的字段,例如 xyz dob=1185 的出生日期,xyz 的出生地code> pob=usa,以及 xyz dayob=monday 的出生日期.

我知道我可以使用 G.add_node 具有属性字典字段...但我似乎无法访问它的特定字段.如果有其他方法我会很感激的.

然后我想将 xyz 与网络中具有相同信息的其他节点进行比较.即节点 xyz 与节点 abc 的交集基于 bith、出生地点和出生日期

例如,如果节点 xyzabc 有边打印它们各自的 dobs,它们的 pobs和他们的dayobs



G.add_node('abc', dob=1185, pob='usa', dayob='monday')


G.add_node('abc', {'dob': 1185, 'pob': 'usa', 'dayob': 'monday'})


G.node['abc']['dob'] #1185G.node['abc']['pob'] #美国G.node['abc']['dayob'] # 星期一


对于 G.edges_iter() 中的 n1、n2:打印 G.node[n1]['dob'], G.node[n2]['dob']打印 G.node[n1]['pob'], G.node[n2]['pob']# 等等.

从 networkx 2.0 开始,G.edges_iter() 已被 G.edges() 取代.这也适用于节点.我们设置 data=True 来访问属性.现在的代码是:

for n1, n2 in list(G.edges(data=True)):打印 G.node[n1]['dob'], G.node[n2]['dob']打印 G.node[n1]['pob'], G.node[n2]['pob']# 等等.

注意:networkx 2.4 中,G.node[] 已替换为 G.nodes[].

I have a network of nodes created using python networkx. i want to store information in nodes such that i can access the information later based on the node label (the name of the node) and the field that in which the information has been stored (like node attributes). the information stored can be a string or a number I wish to do so in a manner such that if xyz is a node:

then I want to save two or three fields having strings like the date of birth of xyz dob=1185, the place of birth of xyz pob=usa, and the day of birth of xyz dayob=monday.

I know that i can use G.add_node has the attribute dictionary field in it...but I can't seem to access it for a particular field. if there is any other way i would appreciate it.

i then want to compare xyz with other nodes in the networks having the same information in common. i.e. intersection of node xyz with node abc based on date of bith, place of birth and day of birth

e.g for if nodes xyz and abc have an edge print their respective dobs, their pobs and their dayobs


As you say, it's just a matter of adding the attributes when adding the nodes to the graph

G.add_node('abc', dob=1185, pob='usa', dayob='monday')

or as a dictionary

G.add_node('abc', {'dob': 1185, 'pob': 'usa', 'dayob': 'monday'})

To access the attributes, just access them as you would with any dictionary

G.node['abc']['dob'] # 1185
G.node['abc']['pob'] # usa
G.node['abc']['dayob'] # monday

You say you want to look at attributes for connected nodes. Here's a small example on how that could be accomplished.

for n1, n2 in G.edges_iter():
    print G.node[n1]['dob'], G.node[n2]['dob']
    print G.node[n1]['pob'], G.node[n2]['pob']
    # Etc.

As of networkx 2.0, G.edges_iter() has been replaced with G.edges(). This also applies to nodes. We set data=True to access attributes. The code is now:

for n1, n2 in list(G.edges(data=True)):
    print G.node[n1]['dob'], G.node[n2]['dob']
    print G.node[n1]['pob'], G.node[n2]['pob']
    # Etc.

NOTE: In networkx 2.4, G.node[] has been replaced with G.nodes[].

这篇关于存储和访问节点属性 python networkx的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何在 Python 中声明一个静态属性? 下一篇:嵌套子对象/链式属性上的 getattr 和 setattr?
