使用 Python 读取 FORTRAN 格式的数字

本文介绍了使用 Python 读取 FORTRAN 格式的数字的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我必须读取一个数据文件,其中包含以(非常)旧的 FORTRAN 样式格式化的数字.文件的一行如下所示:

I have to read a data file that contains numbers formatted with (very) old FORTRAN style. A line of the file looks like this:

 4.500000+1 1.894719-3 4.600000+1 8.196721-3 4.700000+1 2.869539-3

文件(或其中的大部分)以固定宽度格式包含这些数字.在 Python 中读取这些数字的问题在于这些数字中没有 E.看看会发生什么:

The file (or large portion of it) contains these numbers in a fixed width format. The trouble with reading these numbers in Python is that there is no E in these numbers. Watch what happens:

>>> float('4.50000+1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 4.50000+1

我可以编写一个解析器来读取这个,但想知道这是否已经完成.这是一种旧的 FORTRAN 格式,所以我想也许有人已经弄清楚了.有人知道图书馆可以读取这样的数字吗?

I can write a parser to read this, but wanted to know if this has already be done. This is an old FORTRAN format so I thought perhaps someone had already figured it out. Does anyone know of a library to read numbers like this?



In [47]: strs="4.500000+1 1.894719-3 4.600000+1 8.196721-3 4.700000+1 2.869539-3"

In [48]: [float(x.replace("+","e+").replace("-","e-")) for x in strs.split()]

Out[48]: [45.0, 0.001894719, 46.0, 0.008196721, 47.0, 0.002869539]

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上一篇:读取fortran未格式化文件时记录标记不一致 下一篇:zgeev() LAPACK 的结果不正确/不一致
