Web 应用程序的集成测试

本文介绍了Web 应用程序的集成测试的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我想对 Web 应用程序进行完整的集成测试.我想测试很多东西,例如 AJAX、某些短语和 HTML 元素的定位和存在使用多个浏览器.我正在寻找一种工具来进行这种自动化测试.

I want to do full integration testing for a web application. I want to test many things like AJAX, positioning and presence of certain phrases and HTML elements using several browsers. I'm seeking a tool to do such automated testing.


On the other hand; this is my first time using integration testing. Are there any specific recommendations when doing such testing? Any tutorial as well?

(请注意:我的后端代码是使用 Perl、Python 和 Django 完成的.)



如果您需要进行全面测试,包括利用 AJAX 等浏览器功能,那么我会推荐 硒.Selenium 启动浏览器并控制它运行测试.

If you need to do full testing including exploiting browser features like AJAX then I would recomend Selenium. Selenium launches a browser and controls it to run the tests.

它支持所有主要的平台和浏览器.Selenium 本身是用 Java 实现的,但如果它被用于通过其用户界面测试 Web 应用程序,这并不是真正的问题.

It supports all the major platforms and browsers. Selenium itself is implemented in Java but that is not really an issue if it is being used to test a web application through its user interface.

Selenium 测试是 HTML 表格中的一系列命令,支持的命令在文档化中有很好的说明.还有一个 IDE 作为 Firefox 插件实现,可用于记录和运行测试.但是,在 IDE 中创建的测试脚本可用于针对任何受支持的浏览器进行测试.

Selenium tests are a sequence of commands in an HTML table, the supported commands are in well documented. There is also an IDE implemented as a Firefox plugin that can be used to record and run tests. However the test scripts created in the IDE can be used to drive tests against any of the supported browsers.

这篇关于Web 应用程序的集成测试的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:如何发送带有损坏 FCS 的以太网帧? 下一篇:pytest->如何在类下的测试方法中使用夹具返回值
