启动 celery worker 并为广播队列启用它

本文介绍了启动 celery worker 并为广播队列启用它的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试启动 celery worker,所以它只听单个队列.这不是问题,我可以这样做:

I'm trying to start celery worker so it only listens to single queue. This is not a problem, I can do this that way:

python -m celery worker -A my_module -Q my_queue -c 1

但现在我也希望这个 my_queue 队列成为广播队列,所以我在 celeryconfig 中这样做:

But now I also want this my_queue queue to be a broadcast queue, so I do this in my celeryconfig:

from kombu.common import Broadcast
CELERY_QUEUES = (Broadcast('my_queue'),)

但是一旦我这样做了,我就不能再启动我的工人了,我从 rabbitmq 收到错误:

But as soon as I do this I cannot start my worker anymore, I get error from rabbitmq:

amqp.exceptions.PreconditionFailed: Exchange.declare: (406) PRECONDITION_FAILED - inequivalent arg 'type' for exchange 'my_queue' in vhost 'myvhost': received 'fanout' but current is 'direct'

如果我在没有 -Q 的情况下启动 worker(但如上所述将 Broadcast 留在 celeryconfig.py 中)并且我可以列出 rabbitmq 队列看到广播队列的创建和命名如下:

If I start worker without -Q (but leaving Broadcast in celeryconfig.py as described above) and I list rabbitmq queues I can see broadcast queue is created and named like this:


同样,如果我在 worker 中定义这个队列(使用上面提到的 -Q )或在 celeryconfig.py 中作为简单的 Queue这个:

And similarly if I define this queue within worker (using -Q as mentioned above) or as simple Queue in celeryconfig.py like this:

from kombu import Queue
CELERY_QUEUES = (Queue('my_queue'),)

我可以像这样在 rabbitmq 中看到这个队列:

I can see this queue in rabbitmq like this:


在定义队列时,我在 Broadcast 调用中添加了什么并不重要 - 这似乎是内部 celery 名称,而不是传递给 rabbitmq.

It apperas it does not matter what I put into Broadcast call when defining the queue - this seems to be internal celery name, not passed to rabbitmq.

所以我猜当工人开始时,然后 my_queue 被创建,一旦完成它就不能 Broadcast.

So I'm guessing when worker is starting then my_queue is created and once that's done it cannot be made Broadcast.

我可以让一个工作人员监听任何队列(不仅是 my_queue),我将从删除 -Q 参数开始.但是如果我能有一个进程只监听那个特定的队列,那就太好了,因为我在那里投入的任务很快,而且我想尽可能地降低延迟.

I can have a worker that listens to any queue (not only to my_queue) which I would start by removing the -Q argument. But it would be nice to be able to have a single process that only listens to that particular queue since my tasks I throw in there are fast and I'd like to bring latency down as much as possible.

--- 编辑 1 ---花了一些时间解决这个问题,上面提到的 bcast 队列似乎并不一致.重置 rabbitmq 并在没有 -Q 选项的情况下运行 celery 后,bcast 队列没有出现...

--- Edit 1 --- Spent some time with this problem and it seems bcast queue mentioned above does not appear consistently. After reseting rabbitmq and running celery without -Q option bcast queue did not appear...



When using a broker for sending messages, client and workers must agree on same configuration values. If you have to change config, you need to purge existing messages and restart everything so that they are in sync.


When starting a broadcast queue you can set exchange type and configure the queue.

from kombu.common import Broadcast
from kombu import Exchange

exchange = Exchange('custom_exchange', type='fanout')

    Broadcast(name='bcast', exchange=exchange),


celery worker -l info -A tasks -Q bcast 

这篇关于启动 celery worker 并为广播队列启用它的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

上一篇:Pika blocking_connection.py 连接到 RabbitMQ 的随机超时 下一篇:Pika BlockingConnection &RabbitMQ:连接关闭

