Drupal: Are hook_ functions in *.api.php ever called?(Drupal:*.api.php 中的 hook_ 函数是否被调用过?)
Is it possible to restrict what commands php can pass through exec at an OS level?(是否可以在操作系统级别限制 php 可以通
How to allow multiple blocks in a module of Drupal(如何在 Drupal 的模块中允许多个块)
SonarQube for Drupal Projects(用于 Drupal 项目的 SonarQube)
Drupal $tabs not including edit / revisions / workflow(Drupal $tabs 不包括编辑/修订/工作流程)
Zend_Controller_Router_Exception: quot;xyzquot; is not specified(Zend_Controller_Router_Exception:“xyz;未指定)
Zend_Db_Table subquery(Zend_Db_Table 子查询)
pcntl_fork and the MySQL connection is gone(pcntl_fork 和 MySQL 连接消失了)
Change layout in the controller of Zend Framework 2.0(在 Zend Framework 2.0 的控制器中更改布局)
Zend Mail Gmail SMTP(Zend 邮件 Gmail SMTP)
Zend_Form: how to check 2 fields are identical(Zend_Form:如何检查 2 个字段是否相同)
How do I encode a PHP array to a JSON array, not object?(如何将 PHP 数组编码为 JSON 数组,而不是对象?)