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    2. PHP 群发邮件


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              • 本文介绍了PHP 群发邮件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                我在一家小型营销公司工作,该公司要求我开发一个 PHP 应用程序来为他们的公司发送电子邮件,而不会被列入黑名单或电子邮件显示为垃圾邮件.我对 PHP (OOP) 有相当好的理解,但我不明白如何构建这个程序.他们每月需要发送大约 500,000 到 1,000,000 封电子邮件.他们已经准备好购买 IP 地址、SMTP 服务器等,但我需要编写程序才能工作.所以基本上我要问的是像这样的应用程序的不同部分的细分需求以及它如何在不被列入黑名单或被视为垃圾邮件的情况下运行.如果我在这个话题上让任何人感到困惑,我深表歉意,只是我多次使用了 mail() 函数,并且许多邮件不断变成垃圾邮件.据我所知,这是一家合法的制药公司,他们只是联系了我,问我是否可以这样做,这就是为什么我来这里看看是否可行.

                I work for a small marketing company that has asked me to develop a PHP application to send emails for their company without getting blacklisted or emails showing up as spam. I have a fairly good understanding of PHP (OOP) but I do not understand how to build this program. They need approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 emails sent per month. They are ready to buy ip addresses, SMTP servers etc but I need to code the program to work. So basically what I'm asking is what is the breakdown of the different parts of an application like this needs and how it can function without being blacklisted or considered spam. I apologize if i confused anyone on this topic, its just that i used the mail() function numerous times and many of the mail keeps going to spam. This is a legitimate pharmaceutical company as far as i know, they just contacted me and asked me if i could do this so thats why im here to see if it is possible or not.

                我知道有些公司可以做到这一点,但他们收取 500 美元以上的费用,我们负担不起.如果有需要购买的特定设备,我们随时准备购买以抵消长期成本.

                I know there are companies out there that can do this but they charge from $500 upwards and we cannot afford this. If there are specific equipment that needs to be bought we are ready to buy it to offset long term costs.




                The best way to be not be considered as spam and not being blacklisted is to send legitimate emails.

                如果最后没有收件人将其标记为垃圾邮件",则从同一 IP 发送大量邮件是没有问题的.要实现这一点,必须考虑很多事情:

                There is no problem sending a lot of mails from the same IP if no recipient mark it as "spam" at the end. To achieve this, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration:

                1. 拥有选择加入的良好列表不是一种选择.
                2. 跟踪退回邮件(软退回和硬退回),因此您不会发送不必要的电子邮件(不要再次向硬退回邮件发送电子邮件,有时会重试软退回邮件,如果成功则将其删除).
                3. 在发送大量(SpamAssasin 等)之前运行垃圾邮件测试(无广告,但 Litmus 这样做)
                1. Having good lists with opt-in is not an option.
                2. Track bounces (both soft and hard), so you don't send unnecessary emails (don't send again emails to hard bounces, try again sometimes for the soft bounces and remove them if successful).
                3. Run spam tests before sending bulk (SpamAssasin, etc.) (no advertising, but Litmus does that)

                事实上,如果你做的每件事都做得很好,你的 IP 最终会获得良好的发送声誉,更多的邮件会进入收件箱.另请注意,在批量发送时,并不是每个人最后都会收到电子邮件.其中一些在过程中间被不同的过滤器丢失".

                In fact, if you do everything good, your IP can end up with a good sending reputation and more mails will get to the inbox. Also be aware that when sending bulk, not everybody gets the email at the end. Some of them are "lost" by different filters in the middle of the process.

                如果您从未从 IP 发送过邮件,请尝试循序渐进,不要在同一个月发送 100 万封邮件.我建议您在发送 1 个 IP 的邮件数量上有所进步.

                If you never sent mail from an IP, try to be progressive and do not send 1 millions the same month. I advice you to be progressive on how many mail send 1 IP.

                看看专业公司是做什么的.例如,您可以从 Campaign Monitor 和 MailChimp.他们有非常棒的博客和资源可供查看.关注他们的博客,随时了解情况.

                Look at what specialized companies do. For example, you can learn a lot from Campaign Monitor and MailChimp. They have really great blog and resources to look at. Follow their blog, keep informed.

                这篇关于PHP 群发邮件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                上一篇:php mail() 去垃圾邮件,但是当通过 SMTP 服务器发送时它工作正常吗? 下一篇:如何解决“无法与主机 smtp.gmail.com 建立连接"?


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