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                • 本文介绍了标题位置无法正常工作的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个 php 脚本,可以渲染图像(使用 imagick)并将其保存到某个目录 "SITE_ROOT.$filePath",然后执行 header('Location: ' .SITE_ROOT.$filePath),它重定向到的文件是一个png图像.

                  I have a php script that renders an image (with imagick) and saves it to some directory "SITE_ROOT.$filePath", then does a header('Location: ' . SITE_ROOT.$filePath), the file it redirects to is a png image.

                  如果我直接进入路径,比如在 URL 栏中键入它,我可以保存图像并且一切正常,但是当我依靠脚本重定向我并尝试右键单击并保存图像时没有识别出我实际上是在尝试保存图像,它认为我正在尝试将其保存为名为驱动程序"的非类型文件,这是脚本页面的名称.

                  If I go to the path directly, like just type it in the URL bar I can save the image and everything works fine, however when I rely on the script to redirect me and I try to right click and save the image it doesn't recognise that I'm actually trying to save an image, it thinks I'm trying to save it as a non-typed file called 'Driver' which is the name of the script page.


                  I have no idea what's wrong here, surely the header location should just take me to the image and have no record of the 'Driver' file after it has redirected?

                  redirect() 也会发生同样的事情.

                  The same thing happens with redirect() too btw.



                  This problem was solved by placing a die() after the header command.



                  You are using file paths which is not working with header location. You are supposed to use urls.

                  最好在标题位置使用绝对网址.PHP 文档说:

                  It's best practice to use absolute urls in header location. PHP documentation says:

                  HTTP/1.1 需要一个绝对 URI,因为论据位置:包括方案、主机名和绝对路径,但有些客户端接受相对 URI.(来源)

                  HTTP/1.1 requires an absolute URI as argument to Location: including the scheme, hostname and absolute path, but some clients accept relative URIs. (Source)


                  Also always exit the script afterwards because otherwise in my experience in certain circumstances code that comes after the redirect might still be executed. So a good example would look like this:



                  Often you would use a server variable for this case:

                  $url = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."/path/to/myfile.php";



                  上一篇:PHP session_start() 覆盖 HTTP Expires 标头 下一篇:创建 Restful API 在响应之前应该放出什么样的标头?


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