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        Doctrine 向 DQL 的 NEW 构造函数发送一个实体


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                  本文介绍了Doctrine 向 DQL 的 NEW 构造函数发送一个实体的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着跟版网的小编来一起学习吧!


                  我在 Symfony2 中有一个带有 Doctrine 的博客应用程序,由三个实体组成

                  I have a Blog application in Symfony2 with Doctrine, made of three entities

                  • 发布
                  • 评论
                  • 用户


                  one Post can have many Comments

                  此应用程序有一个 json API 调用/me/comments"

                  this application has an json API call "/me/comments"


                         'text': 'great post',
                         ... 10 other field a comment can have ...
                         'post': { 'id': 3}
                         'text': 'i dont like it',
                         ... 10 other field a comment can have ...
                         'post': {'id': 4}

                  普通的学说函数返回我所有的关系(用户,帖子)在 json,我不想要因为 Post 可以包含巨大的文本,所以我只对 Id 感兴趣

                  The normal doctrine function returns me all the relation (User, Post) in the json, which I don't want as Post can contains huge text, so i'm only interested in the Id


                  I've tried many solutions and I've found that one


                  所以现在我的 DQL 查询看起来像这样

                  so now my DQL query looks like that

                  <代码>SELECT NEW CommentDTO(c) FROM Comment as c WHERE c.author = :user

                  CommentDTO 的构造函数是这样的

                  the constructor of CommentDTO looks like that

                  __construct(Comment c) {
                     $this->text = c.getText();
                     $this->post = [ 'id' => c.getPost().getId() ];


                  when I execute it I got

                     "message":"Argument 1 passed to MVMS\ApiBundle\Entity\CommentDTO::__construct() must be an instance of MVMS\ApiBundle\En
                  tity\Comment, integer given"

                  当然我可以一个一个地给出参数,但是 Comment 有十几个字段,并且一个一个地发送它们看起来非常 hackish.

                  of course I could give the parameter one by one but Comment has a dozen of fields and sending them one by one seems highly hackish.


                  Is there a way to send the object directly ?


                  正如@Cerad 在评论中提到的,根据文档,在 2017 年仍然有用:

                  As mentioned by @Cerad in the comments, there is no current way to achieve this, according to the documentation, which is still relevant in 2017:


                  Note that you can only pass scalar expressions to the constructor.

                  我在 问题跟踪器中找不到相关的功能请求,因此很可能在可预见的将来不会实施.

                  I could not find a related feature request in the issue tracker, so it will likely not be implemented in the foreseeable future.

                  这篇关于Doctrine 向 DQL 的 NEW 构造函数发送一个实体的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持跟版网!

                  上一篇:如何在 Doctrine 中设置默认水合器? 下一篇:Doctrine Query 类不在实体目录中


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