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    1. <small id='SVtAG'></small><noframes id='SVtAG'>

    2. php框架中库和助手的区别

    3. <small id='Tr05x'></small><noframes id='Tr05x'>

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                if i've got string functions i use a lot, should i put them in a helper class or a library class?

                函数如:截断超过 30 个字符的字符串、返回随机字符串、全部小写等等.这些是我可能不需要为其创建对象的功能.最好将它们用作静态方法.

                functions like: truncate string if longer than 30 characters, return a random string, make all lower cases and so on. these are functions that i probably don't need to create an object for. it's better to use them as static methods.


                should i put them in a library class or a helper class?


                when do i know when to put where?


                Helper 是帮助已经存在的东西的类,例如可以有一个 helper:

                Helpers are the classes that help something already there for example there can be a helper for:



                A library is something that can be any solution; it could be created for the first time by you and no one else has created.


                Because you are dealing with a string (something already there), you should put it in a helper class, or modify the string helper class of the framework (if there is one). However, this is a convention or standard but you can create a library for it too if you are creating something really cool for string handling with quite some functions.


                上一篇:为什么“没有这样的文件或目录... autoload.php"?访问 Laravel 应用程序时? 下一篇:如何在 laravel 5.3 中对多张图片上传进行验证


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